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  1. #1
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Need your suggestions pls....

    I am currently filling up VAF 4 online.My concern is i would like to know if it is wise to include in the application that I intend to work with my future husband at his business, and disclose that I intend to send financial support back to my family in the Philippines.One of the reasons of my visit visa refusal before was that I had stated that my father has recently become unfit to work and I am the one that earn more and support my parents here and ...........I used this for one the reasons i would definetly return, I just want to address the points which was stated in my visit visa refusal
    where i put .... put reason they refused. All replies and suggestions are very much apprciated.

  2. #2
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    Hi Pat,at last youre there na filling up form,good luck sa iyo

    as for my opinion,not really important to put that u intend to work in the UK,because we obviously allowed to work once settle or can legally work if the right time comes,and i know you are trying to be honest Pat,but you dont need to put also that u intend to send some money to PI, its not that too important saying all those,are you in fiancee visa right? so its all about your accomodation here,your fiancee financial status,bank statement latest ,payslip and so and so etc....etc....IMHO

  3. #3
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    as for my opinion,not really important to put that u intendt to work in the UK,because we obviously allowed to work once settle or legible to work,and i know you are trying to be honest Pat,but you dont need to put also that u intend to send some money to PI, its not that too important saying all those,are you in fiancee visa right? so its all about your accomodation here,your fiancee finanacial status,bank statement latest ,payslip etc....etc....IMHO

    thanks Mrs.JMajor for sharing your opinion,it helps us.Its very much appreciated.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    thanks Mrs.JMajor for sharing your opinion,it helps us.Its very much appreciated.
    you are welcome as always Pat

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    I am currently filling up VAF 4 online.My concern is i would like to know if it is wise to include in the application that I intend to work with my future husband at his business, and disclose that I intend to send financial support back to my family in the Philippines.One of the reasons of my visit visa refusal before was that I had stated that my father has recently become unfit to work and I am the one that earn more and support my parents here and ...........I used this for one the reasons i would definetly return, I just want to address the points which was stated in my visit visa refusal
    where i put .... put reason they refused. All replies and suggestions are very much apprciated.
    I wouldn't mention this at all as it may make them want to interview you. It may raise doubts in their minds about your true intentions with regard to your relationship, getting married and coming to the UK etc.

  6. #6
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I wouldn't mention this at all as it may make them want to interview you. It may raise doubts in their minds about your true intentions with regard to your relationship, getting married and coming to the UK etc.

    Cheers Iain saved me typing
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    just to look at it on the other side, if you said you have a job lined up for when you are legally allowed to work could it not be more evidence to suggest you are financially capable?

    Just a thought ,

    good luck anyways

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by AJS View Post

    just to look at it on the other side, if you said you have a job lined up for when you are legally allowed to work could it not be more evidence to suggest you are financially capable?

    Just a thought ,

    good luck anyways
    I agree, if your financials are borderline it may help to strengthen your case if you mention that you intend to work.

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    I agree, if your financials are borderline it may help to strengthen your case if you mention that you intend to work.
    I agree that mentioning that she intends to work when she is legally entitled to do so may add srength to her application, but I would also suggest that coupling this statement with another, that the reason for wanting to work is to support her family back home, could raise the sort of doubts I already mentioned in the mind of an ECO who was trying to make a judgement on her application.

  10. #10
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    I am really grateful for all your replies. It helps us alot.Once again Thank you.

  11. #11
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Definitely - you should never give more information than what is needed, especially if it could raise more questions.

    We actually just played it safe by putting have not decided yet....

    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I would say that if the question is: Do you intend to work in the UK, the best answer to give if you do intend to work would be: Yes, when when I am legally entitled to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    I am really grateful for all your replies. It helps us alot.Once again Thank you.

    Hi Pat,
    Just keep it simple and as Darren says don't confuse the issues by giving more information that you are asked for. If you approach all of the questions in this way, you won't go far wrong.

  12. #12
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    What you have to remember is that the Fiancee' Visa is a SIX MONTH Visa, and during that time, you are NOT allowed to work under any circumstances.
    I know that it is classed a a Setttlement Visa, and this is misleading in my opinion becasue Settlement should mean as it suggests, and should be LONGER than 6 months, but it's not so its best not to mention anything about work.

    The other area of confusion is why they put "Do you intend to work in the UK" On Form VF4 when the regulations clearly state that working is forbidden. Just makes sure you put "NO" in that box, and try to focus on what the Fiancee' Visa is about, its about you coming to UK to get married within that 6 months time, and how well your Fiance can support you.

    After you get your Fiance Visa, and marry, and apply for your 2 year FLRM, THEN you can mention work and your employment plans, but for now, don't mention them, even if it does ask for it on the form VF4

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    What you have to remember is that the Fiancee' Visa is a SIX MONTH Visa, and during that time, you are NOT allowed to work under any circumstances.
    I know that it is classed a a Setttlement Visa, and this is misleading in my opinion becasue Settlement should mean as it suggests, and should be LONGER than 6 months, but it's not so its best not to mention anything about work.

    The other area of confusion is why they put "Do you intend to work in the UK" On Form VF4 when the regulations clearly state that working is forbidden. Just makes sure you put "NO" in that box, and try to focus on what the Fiancee' Visa is about, its about you coming to UK to get married within that 6 months time, and how well your Fiance can support you.

    After you get your Fiance Visa, and marry, and apply for your 2 year FLRM, THEN you can mention work and your employment plans, but for now, don't mention them, even if it does ask for it on the form VF4
    The point of a fiancee visa is that you are coming to the UK to settle - you would never actually have to leave the UK again if you didn't want to.

    There's not really a right or wrong answer as long as you put nothing to suggest you are going to work before you are allowed to. Some applicants could be using the fact that they will work (may already have a job offer) once they are married and have been granted FLR to strengthen their application if the British partner doesn't really earn enough - they definitely wouldn't put "NO".

  14. #14
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    [QUOTE=darren-b;119940]The point of a fiancee visa is that you are coming to the UK to settle - QUOTE]

    That's not 100% true because you have to EXTEND that visa AFTER the 6 months, and even then, that only grants 2 more years. I a person does NOT marry within the 6 months, then they HAVE to return home.

    My point was that when FIRST applying using VF4, work is forbidden, so best not to mention it

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    The point of a fiancee visa is that you are coming to the UK to settle -
    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    That's not 100% true because you have to EXTEND that visa AFTER the 6 months, and even then, that only grants 2 more years. I a person does NOT marry within the 6 months, then they HAVE to return home.
    That is 100% true. The fact you have to extend the visa is irrelevant, the thing that is important is that applicant should intend to settle in the UK rather than just visit the UK. Settlement doesn't have to for a long period anyway.

    Of course if you don't stick to the terms of a visa you normally should return home.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    That is 100% true. The fact you have to extend the visa is irrelevant
    FLRM is hardly irrelevant for two reasons :

    (1) During that period, a person IS allowed to work, so the conditions of the Fiancee visa have changed.

    (2) It cost £395 for FLRM, so its actualy an important step in the full settlement process.

    The point I was trying to make was that the 6 months Fiance visa does NOT allow work, and therefore its better not to mention any work on Form VAF4

  17. #17
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    HI Pat,
    Fiancee' Visa is a SIX MONTH Visa, and during that time, you are NOT allowed to work under any circumstances. If you have plans of working in your future husband's business and send money back home to your family if the time comes that you are now entitled to work doesn't matter anymore. Don't mention anything about work.

    Belmontboy is right, don't mention anything about work in application form VF4

    I have attended a seminar on British Council before i lodged my application for my visit visa. One speaker said the reasons why most applicants are refused:
    1) For a visit visa even if they want to study on short term courses is not relevant, CEO concentrates on your answers based on a visit visa. One that is on a visit visa will have to go places and visit the beauty of the country and/or visit relatives or friends.
    2) For a student visa even if they intend to work which is allowed, an applicant should concentrate more on questions abt students.
    3) So for this particular question abt a fiance/fiancee visa even if there are plans of working in her future husband's business and will be sending money to her family back home is already irrelevant.

    Best of luck.
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  18. #18
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    There are Fiance visa applicants who stated that... Yes they WILL seek employment BUT only once they are legally allowed to do so. And were successful with their applications.

    I would answer : NO, but I will seek employment when i am legally allowed to do so to help with my future husband's finances.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by JudyHon View Post
    There is a definite risk to highlighting work opportunities on a Fiancee visa application in my opinion. It really shouldn't be like this, but I suspect the instances of visa applicants who have worked illegally and got caught may make this a bit of a red flag to those reviewing an fiancee visa application.
    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    I have attended a seminar on British Council before i lodged my application for my visit visa. One speaker said the reasons why most applicants are refused:
    1) For a visit visa even if they want to study on short term courses is not relevant, CEO concentrates on your answers based on a visit visa. One that is on a visit visa will have to go places and visit the beauty of the country and/or visit relatives or friends.
    2) For a student visa even if they intend to work which is allowed, an applicant should concentrate more on questions abt students.
    3) So for this particular question abt a fiance/fiancee visa even if there are plans of working in her future husband's business and will be sending money to her family back home is already irrelevant.
    People applying for fiancee visas are never going to be seen as likely illegal workers. As you would have to be pretty stupid to take that risk when you are only a couple of months away from being able to work legally. It could really cause you problems - not sure if they could/would deport you...

    Students and tourists are totally different, they often have very little to lose and everything to gain by working illegally.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    When we lodged my application nearly 3 years ago, MY ANSWER WAS YES, when I am allowed to...

    I also have enclosed the Letter of Employment and contract from my future employer, but they have stated there:

    AND I AM NOW HERE IN THE UK and working after i got my FLR!!!

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