Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
What you have to remember is that the Fiancee' Visa is a SIX MONTH Visa, and during that time, you are NOT allowed to work under any circumstances.
I know that it is classed a a Setttlement Visa, and this is misleading in my opinion becasue Settlement should mean as it suggests, and should be LONGER than 6 months, but it's not so its best not to mention anything about work.

The other area of confusion is why they put "Do you intend to work in the UK" On Form VF4 when the regulations clearly state that working is forbidden. Just makes sure you put "NO" in that box, and try to focus on what the Fiancee' Visa is about, its about you coming to UK to get married within that 6 months time, and how well your Fiance can support you.

After you get your Fiance Visa, and marry, and apply for your 2 year FLRM, THEN you can mention work and your employment plans, but for now, don't mention them, even if it does ask for it on the form VF4
The point of a fiancee visa is that you are coming to the UK to settle - you would never actually have to leave the UK again if you didn't want to.

There's not really a right or wrong answer as long as you put nothing to suggest you are going to work before you are allowed to. Some applicants could be using the fact that they will work (may already have a job offer) once they are married and have been granted FLR to strengthen their application if the British partner doesn't really earn enough - they definitely wouldn't put "NO".