Quote Originally Posted by Ji&Ma View Post

we would like to apply for a fiancee visa soon, i just need to make sure as what evidence to provide. So I've got a few questions:

- do I need to print our conversations over the Y.M. in full? Because if I'll do that it is going to be a substantial amount of papers (currently about 300 pages...). Is there any other way how to do that?

You can print your ym conversations at least 3-4 pages just choose the impt ones.

- is it possible to provide these data on for example USB stick? It would be much easier...

I don't think if they allow the USB stick nowadays. ( I was told that more evidence is ok).

- do my fiancee needs a CENOMAR when she wasn't married?

There's no harm in providing the CENOMAR. That is an evidence that she has never been married and is free to marry.

- if we will provide all supportive evidence (chats, photos, boarding passes etc...), my bank account statements, budget etc. together with application do we need to provide these again in case my fiancee will be invited for an interview?

NO need.

- what service is better to use to send documents from UK to Philippines? Use RoyalMail or courier service?

Royal Mail

Thank you very much...
You're welcomeand Best of Luck