Hello, I need some advice regarding a U.K spousal visa. I hope to find someone who has been through the process and hopefully have some good news of some sort.

I am a American citizen. I wife is a British citizen. We meet online three years ago and have been married about 1 1/2 years. We have traveled to each others country several times in the last three years and spent a total of almost 7 months together. She has been to America 4 times and I to England 3 we are very much in love with each other but it's starting to take a toll on us and the distantes may destroy what we have left.

here is our situation at a glance. I have wrote it out so It's quick to know what is going on.

Have we meet?
Yes, 7 times in all (pictures, letters from family and passport stamps)

Are we married?
Yes, 1 1/2 years (marriage certificate, wittiness and pictures)

Stable place to live in the U.k?
Yes, she has a very clean house and has lived there for 2 years (rental agreement and pictures)

Does she receive public funds?
Yes, She receives working tax credit, but she has informed the main office of her marriage, it is ok for her to collect it till I enter the country.

Does she have a job?
Yes, she has works for a large company for 2 1/2 years and makes 15,500 pounds a year (letters from work and wage slips)

Yes, Three, she receives child support for the youngest 30 pounds weekly

Yes, my spouse has a savings of 2,500 pounds (bank statements) Do we need more? and if so, How much more? if she is in the better situation does it matter if I have savings?

Do I have savings?
NO, But I am a new business owner, a registered corporation in Oklahoma, which does make some money till I can find a full time job when I get to the U.K ( corporation docs from state and IRS)

Can you support yourselfs for two years?
Yes.. I think? My wife I think makes enough to support me till I am able to find work.

Have you been refused entry into the U.K?
Yes, I have been refused 1 time for trying to stay to long in one year, we did know know anything about laws regarding that at the time, I have since been back to the U.K and the woman seemed ok with it and didn't give me any trouble at all, she was quite nice and gave me a website to go to and apply for a visa

I don't know what else I can do? As you can see. some things has happened and she has a better situation than I do. I had some savings but I was forced to use it and now I have none. I do have a business account for my internet sales. but I have only started a few weeks ago and hope to start making something. I know it probably wont be a lot but a business can grow. I know it sounds harsh to put so much up to her getting me into the U.K
Due to my situation I've had to stay with some family and its taking a toll on our relationship. I was depressed about things and let someone from my family run me down all the time and I took it out on my wife, we are at a breaking point and I don't know how much longer we can hold out. we can't make up like normal couples like going for walks or out for dinner. so this is really starting to hurt us and I can't let this die, we have been through so much together and we love each other with all our hearts.

Please any help or advice would mean so much, Thank you for your time