Hi all, i have been searching the web in order to find out what makes a Filipino lady tick. Alas, i find myself here! I live in western Canada and met my new love through a friend. She has been living here in Canada for 5 months as a live-in care giver. From the instant we met, her charming ways have opened my heart for her. I have never dated a Filipino woman before (but i did put my order out there for the universe to take care of) ...and who shows up but she. I have been looking for a life-long mate that is honest, caring and above all, a lady that is willing to work hard at growing and tending to, a life time commitment. I did not know when or how my "order" would transpire, and a Filipino woman had not crossed my mind. Then a friend of mine through work started telling me about his new love, a Filipino lady. The more he told me about her and Filipino values, the more the prospect of finding a Filipino woman appealed to me. Fast forward, the universe has brought a beautiful, warm hearted Filipino woman into my life. I do not question the universes plan for me and am confident this is meant to be. Now that you have a brief description of my current situation, I would like your input if you will? I am aware that courting a Filipino woman is different than courting a western woman, and the more I search the web pages the more informed I am becoming as to Filipino women and their ways. I was raised with values that I hold to this day, and one of them is to take things slowly when getting to know a woman. I was under the impression that Filipino women were the same (another thing that I respect in a women-Filipino or otherwise) but...here is what happened on our first meeting. We were introduced and within minutes, she wanted to know "what do you think?" pointing to herself. By the time the night was over and it was time to go...she had kissed me , not just a kiss but many. I was not sure what to think, but I knew that with her charm and what I have heard about Filipino women, I wanted to get to know her better. Of course I enjoyed her affections, but it totally caught me off guard! If your still reading this, here is my question(s). I have been reading that a Filipino woman will make you work for her love and that actions speak louder than words. Fair enough, but why did she kiss me so soon? Another question; she told me guys tell her they love her, but that it is hard for her to believe them, because they hardly know one another (one guy that she is chatting with in the states, said he loves her, and she can't believe someone she has never physically met would say such a thing) She says it is easy to say the words " I love you"...true enough. Then on our third meeting...she tells ME that she loves me! I truly believe that she is a kind soul and that she is committed to finding a man that is in it for the long haul. I do love her...as much as one can, for the length of time we have spend together. And I am falling more and more in love with her. I believe the universe wants for us, what we want for ourselves. But I am concerned about how forward she has been at such an early stage of our relationship. Am I just that damn irresistible If you have any suggestions please do. Our time is precious and I very much appreciate your time in reading this. Good luck to all of you!