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Thread: appointment at the hospital...

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    appointment at the hospital...

    been here for 41 days now...came here about 29 weeks pregnant. my husband booked me an appointment to see the midwife and have a check-up as well just before i came. so 2 days after i arrived we went at the health centre for my appointment, but the midwife wasn't there due to the weather (snow). but we did speak with the doctor, he said they will book me to the hospital and we will receive a post for the hospital appointment. then he asked us to book again an appointment to see the midwife. so we did, but the thing was the midwife had 2 weeks off, and we were booked to see her after 2 weeks.
    so we waited for the hospital appointment and 2 weeks to see the midwife...
    finally the day came to see the midwife. she done this bloodtest, listened to our baby's heartbeat and measuring my tummy. she said everythings is ok.
    told her we haven't got the hospital appointment yet.. she said because she'll be the one to send all my papers to the hospital but since she's 2 weeks off it wasn't process yet. so again she said we have to wait for bout 2 weeks to get a post from the hospital regarding the appointment.
    just exactly 2 weeks we received the letter from the hospital for my ante natal appointment. the appointment was scheduled another 2 weeks again...
    we waited for that time and that was this morning. we thought i'll have a scan coz it was indicated in the letter and i'm nearly getting birth.
    at the hospital i met the doctor.. he asked me bout my first pregnancy, etc... just like what my midwife did. measured my tummy and checked it. he said everything's seems fine. we asked if we will have my scan he said no because they were fully booked and need to wait for my scan appointment in 2 WEEKS TIME AGAIN. i'll be 37 weeks pregnant then..
    and i haven't got any real check-ups. well i mean it was really different here. because in the philippines i should have a weekly check-up now.
    as far as i know first: pregnant women will have a monthly check-up until 6 months pregnant then it will be every 3 weeks and then every 2 weeks and the last month and half it will be an every week check-up.
    well my husband is really disappointed.. he called my midwife and booked an appointment on monday.
    was it really like this here??? the doctor asked why we didn't booked earlier in the hospital which wasn't our fault because it was the midwife's job... if we knew it will be like that then we just booked it ourselves and had an earlier appointment too and also for the scan

  2. #2
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    Thats what hubby said "check up here is free" we dont need to pay them 300 pesos like in PI

    Wonder if Adam can bug them

    Ingat Chryss just dont put too much stress on yourself,everything will be fine as long as your loving hubby is there with you

  3. #3
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I can imagine your frustration amiga.

    I would call and speak to the midwife directly. If not there is a number for maternity support. Alternatively, call the Maternity Assesment number at your local hospital and get them to make sure things happen

    We also had to experience what i thought was a level of incompetence here with Pia's care but eventually it was resolved and we have better maternity care now also.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Thats what hubby said "check up here is free" we dont need to pay them 300 pesos like in PI

    Wonder if Adam can bug them

    Ingat Chryss just dont put too much stress on yourself,everything will be fine as long as your loving hubby is there with you
    thanks ate juliet
    it is just that we waited for this and ended up nothing at all... then we have to wait for the post again in 2 weeks time.. which i might be giving birth by then before receiving the post

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I can imagine your frustration amiga.

    I would call and speak to the midwife directly. If not there is a number for maternity support. Alternatively, call the Maternity Assesment number at your local hospital and get them to make sure things happen

    We also had to experience what i thought was a level of incompetence here with Pia's care but eventually it was resolved and we have better maternity care now also.
    adam already called the midwife today and we will meet her on monday.. well, he said it's another midwife not the one we met on the first time

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that Chryss.

    This is my second pregnancy but I never experience that. Its always them who make an appointment for me. If a forget my appointment they will always remind me thru phone or letter.

    If my midwife is not on duty or on holiday during my appointment there is always another midwife who will check me. During my first pregnancy i have a total of 12 appointments and 3 scans. For the second now its 8 appointments and 3 scans still, one to go. Well, they always put it in the MY NOTES ( your records while u r pregnant). If I cant make it for my next apointment i can always asked them to re sked it for me.

    By the way I live in england but choose scotland to have my baby. Meaning i have two sets of midwife and consultans but i have never exp any problems with my bookings and appointments.

    Hope you will get that sorted soon. You need to have a scan.

  7. #7
    Respected Member smiler78's Avatar
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    Isnt the NHS amazing!!!My mum has had some blood tests this week, she was told they have found something and want to do more tests, of course we are really worried so the doctor said its ok she will get her in urgent and not on the normal waiting list, just got her appointment for 3 weeks time!! I think they have a different idea of what urgent means compared to the rest of the world!!

    Good luck with the baby you must be very excited

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Thats what hubby said "check up here is free" we dont need to pay them 300 pesos like in PI

    Wonder if Adam can bug them

    Ingat Chryss just dont put too much stress on yourself,everything will be fine as long as your loving hubby is there with you

    Its not actually free coz we pay for national insurance and tax

  9. #9
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I can imagine your frustration amiga.

    I would call and speak to the midwife directly. If not there is a number for maternity support. Alternatively, call the Maternity Assesment number at your local hospital and get them to make sure things happen

    We also had to experience what i thought was a level of incompetence here with Pia's care but eventually it was resolved and we have better maternity care now also.
    Here too mate. The level of incompetence for maternity care in Ipswich is appalling. They had a go at me even for simple things like why I did not buy heavy duty maternity pads etc. They told me to go to tesco to get them. But eventually, they gave Jassmine their own supply. They served liquid ice cream at the ward, blamed jassmine for pushing out the baby too fast when she could not even control herself as they had extra work to do with the stitches.....complained about the baby clothes - two was not enough for the night (she stayed two nights due to complications, so at least they could have given extra blankets). They told Jassmine to take a bath but would not provide bath liquid. Complained about the baby nappies. The list goes on....what a nightmare experience for Jassmine.

    I really hope your hostpital is better.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    Here too mate. The level of incompetence for maternity care in Ipswich is appalling. They had a go at me even for simple things like why I did not buy heavy duty maternity pads etc. They told me to go to tesco to get them. But eventually, they gave Jassmine their own supply. They served liquid ice cream at the ward, blamed jassmine for pushing out the baby too fast when she could not even control herself as they had extra work to do with the stitches.....complained about the baby clothes - two was not enough for the night (she stayed two nights due to complications, so at least they could have given extra blankets). They told Jassmine to take a bath but would not provide bath liquid. Complained about the baby nappies. The list goes on....what a nightmare experience for Jassmine.

    I really hope your hostiptal is better.

    Oh dear oh dear poor jassmine had to go through all that. Aye, bad experience. I can imagine how she feels at that time Its not easy to give birth and the last thing you want to exp are things like that.

    I should consider myself so lucky here. They supplied everything for me the pads, bring my foods in the table, prepare my breakfast and asked what I want, look after the baby while i have my bath/shower and get some fresh air, clothe our baby after birth with their supply but changed it later on with the clothes i brought with me, gave me extra blankets and toiletries, carry all my bags when i needed help, give me toys and clothes frorm the local maternity units for free, check me every minute if Im ok. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days and 7 days in our local maternity unit and got my own room and telly. And my experienced was brilliant. I really salute them all for the care they provided for me and the baby.

    I gave birth in MELROSE BORDERS GENERAL HOSPITAL in Scotland and transferred to my local maternity unit in BERIWCK UPON TWEED in England for a week so that i can have a good rest. And they never failed me.

  11. #11
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    your experiences are dreadful ladies. I am now worried about the care will be like here in Birmingham for my honey. When she gets back she will already be around 3 months so I might start enquiries now before she gets back. I might have to look into private care after hearing these stories.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    Here too mate. The level of incompetence for maternity care in Ipswich is appalling. They had a go at me even for simple things like why I did not buy heavy duty maternity pads etc. They told me to go to tesco to get them. But eventually, they gave Jassmine their own supply. They served liquid ice cream at the ward, blamed jassmine for pushing out the baby too fast when she could not even control herself as they had extra work to do with the stitches.....complained about the baby clothes - two was not enough for the night (she stayed two nights due to complications, so at least they could have given extra blankets). They told Jassmine to take a bath but would not provide bath liquid. Complained about the baby nappies. The list goes on....what a nightmare experience for Jassmine.

    I really hope your hostpital is better.
    Ipswich eh, well it was just up the road at West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St. Edmunds that we visited. Maybe the incompetance found its way up the A14!

    I`ve been very happy with all the service Chryss has had since shes been here APART from this rubbish, I was so angry. The doctor was so stuck up he should be called tampon...
    On our next visit i`ll make sure I keep on them on their toes, idiots.

  13. #13
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    In my case, now expecting my 3rd baby...never had a problem with appoinments and midwives. If one goes on holiday there's always someone to cover for them, Im surprised you are only seeing one midwife in your area. As far as Alexandra Hospital is concerned, Im fine with them although not 100% happy, maybe thats what you get when things are free. Of course its different back in Philippines where you get your own room and have some privacy but you pay for it.

    Good luck!

  14. #14
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    [QUOTE=Geraldine;121044] maybe thats what you get when things are free[/QOUTE].

    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    back in Philippines where you get your own room and have some privacy but you pay for it.

    Good luck!

  15. #15
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    I think people new here in UK should be brief that Health Care here is "FREE" but there's always a problem like waiting time for appointment (scans, physio, seeing specialist etc) unless its good thing is Filipinos are very happy with the NHS service no bills to pay and meds are subsidize.

    Of course if we have plenty of money like some/few members here we are morethan happy having a private health care or have better health care in the phils

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    I think people new here in UK should be brief that Health Care here is "FREE" but there's always a problem like waiting time for appointment (scans, physio, seeing specialist etc) unless its good thing is Filipinos are very happy with the NHS service no bills to pay and meds are subsidize.

    Of course if we have plenty of money like some/few members here we are morethan happy having a private health care or have better health care in the phils
    the thing is i'm nearly getting birth and the doctor asked me why we have just booked in their hospital on that day.. which it wasn't our fault. if we knew we can book it ourselves then we already did.
    regarding the scan it was written in their letter that i'll have my scan and need to be there with full bladder. they should have written in it that if u want to have an ultrasound then have a seperate appointment...
    yes is it free.. but my husband also paying it in his tax, isn't he?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    Sorry to hear that Chryss.

    This is my second pregnancy but I never experience that. Its always them who make an appointment for me. If a forget my appointment they will always remind me thru phone or letter.

    If my midwife is not on duty or on holiday during my appointment there is always another midwife who will check me. During my first pregnancy i have a total of 12 appointments and 3 scans. For the second now its 8 appointments and 3 scans still, one to go. Well, they always put it in the MY NOTES ( your records while u r pregnant). If I cant make it for my next apointment i can always asked them to re sked it for me.

    By the way I live in england but choose scotland to have my baby. Meaning i have two sets of midwife and consultans but i have never exp any problems with my bookings and appointments.

    Hope you will get that sorted soon. You need to have a scan.
    good for you Ann they treated you well in ur pregnancy
    and by the way thanks!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    the thing is i'm nearly getting birth and the doctor asked me why we have just booked in their hospital on that day.. which it wasn't our fault. if we knew we can book it ourselves then we already did.
    regarding the scan it was written in their letter that i'll have my scan and need to be there with full bladder. they should have written in it that if u want to have an ultrasound then have a seperate appointment...
    yes is it free.. but my husband also paying it in his tax, isn't he?
    I understand your situation I have a few friends been to your situation went to the hospital bec she think she's going to have a labour already at the hospital the doctors said you are still okay...go back the next day they are paying taxes too

    some people get free healthcare without any contribution at all and people who work hard in this country can't get a decent service from NHS.

    Good luck. All the best

  19. #19
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    that's why if I go to Phils I usually i have some check up atleast im sure that i am getting time and credit card will take care of it

  20. #20
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    I think the main cause of the problem is that Chryss arrived here whilst heavily pregnant. It`s not usual to have a scan after 20 weeks so there`s no reason to have one now. In their letter they said we would have one but it has no bearing on the babies health at this stage. They just want it for their records as we dont have anything other than ultrasound scans from Phil ( her doctor went to a seminar on the day she had arranged to pick up her records and no-one else could do it!).
    It was just frustrating that was all...
    It`s giving birth, something that people have done since the beggining of time, not a heart transplant!
    One of my work colleagues wives had their 2nd child and was home again after 3 hours so to the midwives and staff its just a normal thing.
    Anyway we`re off to see the midwife tommorow and will ask any questions suitable and await our next hospital appointment.
    Theres enough to worry about at this time without worrying about the hospital, that`ll sort itself out with no trouble.
    Anyway, UP THE MIGHTY KOP BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. #21
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    It is very enlightening to compare medical services in UK under NHS, and the services here in Phils.

    You want a scan? Fine, get a chitty, go and pay at the cash desk, go back and wait a few minutes for your scan. No fuss about appointments - just turn up and have it done. The charge isn't even very high, less than 500 pesos, IIRC.

    Want a Urine analysis? Go and get a chitty, pay 30 pesos. Go to lab for specimen bottle, fill it and return to lab. Wait 60 minutes and you get your result.

    Similar with blood tests. In UK, I always had to wait a week to get the result of my blood test.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    I think the main cause of the problem is that Chryss arrived here whilst heavily pregnant. It`s not usual to have a scan after 20 weeks so there`s no reason to have one now. In their letter they said we would have one but it has no bearing on the babies health at this stage. They just want it for their records as we dont have anything other than ultrasound scans from Phil ( her doctor went to a seminar on the day she had arranged to pick up her records and no-one else could do it!).
    It was just frustrating that was all...
    It`s giving birth, something that people have done since the beggining of time, not a heart transplant!
    One of my work colleagues wives had their 2nd child and was home again after 3 hours so to the midwives and staff its just a normal thing.
    Anyway we`re off to see the midwife tommorow and will ask any questions suitable and await our next hospital appointment.
    Theres enough to worry about at this time without worrying about the hospital, that`ll sort itself out with no trouble.
    Anyway, UP THE MIGHTY KOP BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Normally they just give you 2 scans. 12 weeks dating scan and the 20 weeks detailed scan. But in some cases they will give you 30 weeks scan, and that is in my case coz i ask for it. ( And not to mention that other scan to check abnormalities i think never ask that anyway)

    As I remember it when marylen arrived here she was i think 29 weeks pregnant also and she was given a scan from his local hospital in scotland. As you said Adam and you are right a scan is needed at this point so that they will have a record here for chryss And it should be given to Chryss in my opinion.


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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    It is very enlightening to compare medical services in UK under NHS, and the services here in Phils.

    You want a scan? Fine, get a chitty, go and pay at the cash desk, go back and wait a few minutes for your scan. No fuss about appointments - just turn up and have it done. The charge isn't even very high, less than 500 pesos, IIRC.

    Want a Urine analysis? Go and get a chitty, pay 30 pesos. Go to lab for specimen bottle, fill it and return to lab. Wait 60 minutes and you get your result.

    Similar with blood tests. In UK, I always had to wait a week to get the result of my blood test.

    i even asked adam if they had like that here.. i mean if they have a private scan that i can get anywhere... none that he knew. i also checked online but mainly in London and it is far too expensive, £90 the cheapest i've seen.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    Normally they just give you 2 scans. 12 weeks dating scan and the 20 weeks detailed scan. But in some cases they will give you 30 weeks scan, and that is in my case coz i ask for it. ( And not to mention that other scan to check abnormalities i think never ask that anyway)

    As I remember it when marylen arrived here she was i think 29 weeks pregnant also and she was given a scan from his local hospital in scotland. As you said Adam and you are right a scan is needed at this point so that they will have a record here for chryss And it should be given to Chryss in my opinion.

    thanks Ann
    just got the post from the hospital this afternoon... my next appointment will be on 26th of march and at the same time i'll have my scan that day.
    i also had my appointment with the midwife this afternoon... it went well. the midwife was very friendly and explained bit by bit what the doctor have written in my maternity record. so, so far so good

  25. #25
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    thanks Ann
    just got the post from the hospital this afternoon... my next appointment will be on 26th of march and at the same time i'll have my scan that day.
    i also had my appointment with the midwife this afternoon... it went well. the midwife was very friendly and explained bit by bit what the doctor have written in my maternity record. so, so far so good

    my pleasure Chryss

    Glad to know that

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