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Thread: Savings Account Number and NI Number

  1. #1
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Savings Account Number and NI Number

    Is it OK to blacken out the saving's account numbers of my husband and mine too?

    How about the NI Number? I read before that when submitting original salary slips, the National Insurance Number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft but the new VAF4A forms asks for the NI number of the sponsor. If I blacken it out, what would I show as a proof?

    I have lots of things on my mind, and I'm so confused right now. Wish you guys could help me. Thanks in advance.
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    Is it OK to blacken out the saving's account numbers of my husband and mine too?

    How about the NI Number? I read before that when submitting original salary slips, the National Insurance Number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft but the new VAF4A forms asks for the NI number of the sponsor. If I blacken it out, what would I show as a proof?

    I have lots of things on my mind, and I'm so confused right now. Wish you guys could help me. Thanks in advance.
    As far as I know blackening out the account numbers isn't a problem.

    I suspect it wouldn't be a problem blackening out the NI Number on the salary slips. But if they ask for the NI Number to be written on the form I'm not sure what the advantage is of blackening it out on salary slips? And I can't see that NI Numbers are really that useful for someone trying to steal an identity anyway.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i would have thought they would need his National insurance number in case they do any checks on him in the UK, tax/benefits etc.

    there was information on blacking out account numbers etc, but i cannot find it any longer maybe that depends on what type of bank statements youv'e supplied, if you've printed them yourself, they might want the account number to check with your bank about your statements, as these online ones can be faked easily.

    i did'nt bother blacking anything out, as i thought the risks of me doing that could cause more problems with my visa app than the risks from ID theft

  4. #4
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I only applied in Feb 09 and was approved after 4 weeks, so I guess this
    info is "hot off the press".

    I blacked out all the account numbers on my bank account(s) and various
    investment fund(s).
    I attached a covering stating that these would be provided (if neccessary)
    DIRECTLY to a named person at the UK Embassy.... and never heard

    National Insurance (NI) number ..... no point deleting, as you have to include
    it on the form (as darren-b pointed out)

    Best wishes

  5. #5
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    after my wifes visa was grant and she came her we opened a new joint bank account, so all the old accounts were useless to criminals/fraudsters.

    maybe your asawa can transfer to a new account (joint or in your husbands name) if he is worried of identity theft. just book an appointment with bank manager after you are granted visa/arrive here. ( i know its a headache to change all direct debits, but its easy really)

    makes life simpler for ILR as documents in joint names (mr & mrs) can be done at same time as changing payment details (direct debit) of gas,electricity and council tax etc

    regards martin

  6. #6
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post

    I only applied in Feb 09 and was approved after 4 weeks, so I guess this
    info is "hot off the press".

    I blacked out all the account numbers on my bank account(s) and various
    investment fund(s).
    I attached a covering stating that these would be provided (if neccessary)
    DIRECTLY to a named person at the UK Embassy.... and never heard

    National Insurance (NI) number ..... no point deleting, as you have to include
    it on the form (as darren-b pointed out)

    Best wishes
    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i would have thought they would need his National insurance number in case they do any checks on him in the UK, tax/benefits etc.

    there was information on blacking out account numbers etc, but i cannot find it any longer maybe that depends on what type of bank statements youv'e supplied, if you've printed them yourself, they might want the account number to check with your bank about your statements, as these online ones can be faked easily.

    i did'nt bother blacking anything out, as i thought the risks of me doing that could cause more problems with my visa app than the risks from ID theft
    Great advice!
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  7. #7
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    Is it OK to blacken out the saving's account numbers of my husband and mine too?

    How about the NI Number? I read before that when submitting original salary slips, the National Insurance Number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft but the new VAF4A forms asks for the NI number of the sponsor. If I blacken it out, what would I show as a proof?

    I have lots of things on my mind, and I'm so confused right now. Wish you guys could help me. Thanks in advance.
    i don't think so that HO or any embassy offices accept blanking name bank statement or any documents, if you want it safe book an appointment to handing it personally
    all things are possible!

  8. #8
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ... there was information on blacking out account numbers etc, but i cannot find it any longer maybe that depends on what type of bank statements youv'e supplied, if you've printed them yourself, they might want the account number to check with your bank about your statements, as these online ones can be faked easily...
    I will be submitting all original bank statements and all original payslips, Mod Joe. And I think this is what you are looking for, Sir, from Transpondia:

    # When submitting original bank statements, the sort code and account number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft; this information can be given separately.
    # When submitting original salary slips, the National Insurance Number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft; this information can be given separately.

    My husband sent me all the documents without the accounts blackened out, but I read that, and it got me worried. I am a worrier.

    Thank you all guys for the infos. It is much appreciated.
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  9. #9
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    My husband sent me all the documents without the accounts blackened out, but I read that, and it got me worried. I am a worrier.

    Thank you all guys for the infos. It is much appreciated.
    I think that most critical and risky phase for identity theft is actually when you sending the papers through the post or courier, because I guess it is easier to steal them on their way, than to nick them from VFS or embassy. So if you have got them safely and going to hand them to VFS I wont be worried so much about identity theft.

    But we know as well how "safely" the Government is handling our personal data in here in UK, don't we?

  10. #10
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    I will be submitting all original bank statements and all original payslips, Mod Joe. And I think this is what you are looking for, Sir, from Transpondia:

    # When submitting original bank statements, the sort code and account number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft; this information can be given separately.
    # When submitting original salary slips, the National Insurance Number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft; this information can be given separately.

    My husband sent me all the documents without the accounts blackened out, but I read that, and it got me worried. I am a worrier.

    Thank you all guys for the infos. It is much appreciated.

    You may or you may not... It is your option...

    When we have applied for my fiancee visa, we left it as it is...
    No fraud was commited to date...

    Heheh, worrier ka tlga lol be a warrior :Vader::Vader: hehe..

    Relax ka lang po! Things will be okay

  11. #11
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Thanks, Zobel. Hope everything goes smoothly. It's just too stressing. Or maybe, it's just me.
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  12. #12
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    ... I only applied in Feb 09 and was approved after 4 weeks, so I guess this info is "hot off the press". ...
    Could you please share us more what you did, Bluebirdjones?
    Thanks in advance.
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  13. #13
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay&zobel View Post
    you may or you may not... It is your option...
    When we have applied for my fiancee visa, we left it as it is...
    No fraud was commited to date...
    Heheh, worrier Ka tlga lol be a warrior :vader::vader: Hehe..
    Relax ka lang po! Things will be okay
    tiger tigress

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  14. #14
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    HI Ems,cant share any ideas about that,i let the brit guys to deal with you

    Just wanted to wish you good luck on your application
    dont worry too much,

  15. #15
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Thanks, Ma and Mrs JM.
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  16. #16
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    As far as I know blackening out the account numbers isn't a problem.

    I suspect it wouldn't be a problem blackening out the NI Number on the salary slips. But if they ask for the NI Number to be written on the form I'm not sure what the advantage is of blackening it out on salary slips? And I can't see that NI Numbers are really that useful for someone trying to steal an identity anyway.
    For those that want to work in this country its worth a fair bit.
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  17. #17
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    Thanks, Zobel. Hope everything goes smoothly. It's just too stressing. Or maybe, it's just me.

    yeah it is you hehehhee
    worry not things will be just fine! look at Nids, she has her visa now!!! so I am pretty sure you can make it as well

    relak ka lang hehe excited ka ano?!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    For those that want to work in this country its worth a fair bit.
    That's only one piece of the puzzle though, and I'm not sure I care too much if someone pays in more money to my National Insurance Number. Obviously if they are trying to claim benefits against my National Insurance Number that is a different matter, though I would hope the system would flag it up as a problem.

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