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Thread: visitors visa for spouse under 21

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  1. #1
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    visitors visa for spouse under 21

    Hi everyone
    I have been trawling the net for anything that might help me.

    I am a british national 46 years old currently living and working in the channel islands.

    I got married in the Philippines in October my wife is currently 20, so she is not permitted to apply for a spouse visa (despite being told the new rules would not apply to us)

    i am planning to apply for a visitors visa for her on the grounds we want to be together and she can see what its like here then she can go back see her family again before we apply for settlement

    any advise is welcome
    i really dont have much confidence in the system

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andylyn View Post
    (despite being told the new rules would not apply to us)
    why and who told you they would not apply to you

    it's been law since end of nov.


    I reiterate my earlier opinion: anyone refused on the basis of being between the ages of 18 and 21 who can show they are not party to a forced marriage (which is pretty easy to do!) has a very strong case based on human rights and discrimination law. from

  3. #3
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    [QUOTE=joebloggs;121431]why and who told you they would not apply to you

    it's been law since end of nov.

    yes i know about the new law. but before it came into force it was described as a new rule for marriage visa.

    so before travelling to Philippines to get married i decided to check, i called immigration for the channel islands (Jersey) and they confirmed what i understood it to mean, it only applied to people applying to come to uk to marry here.

    it was only when i started to look up details about visas in preparation before making an application that i noticed on all the gov websites it was quoting the over 21 rule for spouses joining partners here to.

    but still i emailed the visa application centre in manila, they said it does not effect us as we are already married...i contacted jersey imigration again they said again it will not effect it did not feel right so i called uk borders in uk and a guy there said yes it most definatly does apply to you!

    but its a little worrying half the people involved in visa applications and enforcement dont understand the new rules so how the hell are we expected to

    but i am hoping that who ever looks at our HOLIDAY visa application will have sympathy for us as we are married and have to live apart, when in reality anyone who gets married genuinely deserves to be together

  4. #4
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    Give it a try then,what is 6000 pesos anyway (visit visa fee) and if its granted ,make sure dont over stay as you are planning for settlement

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the thing you've got going against you is your a brit , in your own country , discriminated against by your own gov

    if you was a european in the uk, then the rise wouldn't effect you, if you was a student or on a work permit, there is a concession and so it probably wouldn't effect you again..

    good old UK

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