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Thread: Bank statement shows overdraft interest

  1. #1
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    Bank statement shows overdraft interest


    I have a little problem and need some advice from anyone. 6 months ago i took a loan out to get my bank balance in the black. I have now got six months worth of healthy statements not showing the loan repayments, However, i have overlooked one little detail and that is that my Nov statement shows the overdraft interest for Sept that i was charged.

    Is there any chance that i could only submit 5 months bank statements and that would be sufficient?



  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob&Lol2009 View Post

    I have a little problem and need some advice from anyone. 6 months ago i took a loan out to get my bank balance in the black. I have now got six months worth of healthy statements not showing the loan repayments, However, i have overlooked one little detail and that is that my Nov statement shows the overdraft interest for Sept that i was charged.

    Is there any chance that i could only submit 5 months bank statements and that would be sufficient?


    Submit all six statements, and in your letter of sponsorship, explain to them WHY you took out the loan and use the eveidence of the 5 healthy statements as proof that your finances are OK.

    It sounds like your financial sitation is not as bad as mine was as I was in an IVA (Trust deed) for three years and also have a Mortgage AND Secured Loan. I decided to be 100% honest about my finances, and explained in detail about my situation and how I had taken on extra work to sort my self out. I also made a spreadsheet showing my income and ourgoings to prove I was OK.

    In Short, if you submit only 5 bank statements, they may think you are hiding something and that could tip the "balance of probablility" against you.

    Submitting all six, with a short explanation will give the ECO all the facts and will therefore help to remove any doubts.

    My Fiance has her interview TOMORROW so I'm assuming my financial situation hasn't been a problem for the application . . . if it was then it would have been rejected because there is nothing that my Fiancee can tell them that hasn't already been mentioned in paper.

    Be honest and you will be fine - I know its scary to admit something that you think MAY go against you. But that is MUCH better than hiding something and they WILL want to know why.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for your advice, makes me feel a lot better.

    Good luck with the interview!!

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob&Lol2009 View Post

    I have a little problem and need some advice from anyone. 6 months ago i took a loan out to get my bank balance in the black. I have now got six months worth of healthy statements not showing the loan repayments, However, i have overlooked one little detail and that is that my Nov statement shows the overdraft interest for Sept that i was charged.

    Is there any chance that i could only submit 5 months bank statements and that would be sufficient?


    what does it say on the nov statement ?
    does it mention loan on any of your statements ?
    or large sums of money going in or out ?

    would have been better if you had used your credit card to transfer money to your current account, and once you had 6 banks statements paid the CC off. then on your statements all it would have said would have been Barclaycard etc and the payment no mention of loans

    and don't go telling the embassy more than you need to

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what does it say on the nov statement ?
    does it mention loan on any of your statements ?
    or large sums of money going in or out ?

    would have been better if you had used your credit card to transfer money to your current account, and once you had 6 banks statements paid the CC off. then on your statements all it would have said would have been Barclaycard etc and the payment no mention of loans

    and don't go telling the embassy more than you need to
    one line in the Nov statement only says a charge of x pounds for overdraft interest. The loan was put in about 2 months before that but for some reason the bank charged me in nov for using an overdraft in sept.

    a month before the overdraft interest charge shows everythings all fine and dandy. its just that line saying o/draft interest thats getting in the way.

    I did think about the credit card thing but didnt realise this would happen.

    Thanks for your comments though!! i take it youve been through the whole ordeal already?

  6. #6
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    ps, there is no mention of loan, nor would there be any large amounts of money shown on my statements over 6 months, just one stupid little line saying o/draft interest

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh yes, like a boy scout always be prepared

    soon as you start getting serious, not only should you plan your engagement or wedding, before that you should start looking at what you need to get a visa probably the last thing on your mind

    like many people your finances would be low or none at all, if you've flown to see your misses many times, paid for a wedding, flights and worse the visa's. only to realise you've overdrawn or have nowt in your account, and not only is the gov/embassy going to wonder how your going to support your misses, you start to wonder

    and if you've got step kids and kids like me, then those airtickets and visa fees start mounting

    bit of planning, as you've done it can all be avoided, and you will not have to wait 6 months because you just realised you need 6 months of bank statements showing a few £k in the bank, or you could take the risk of applying with a smaller amount or with statements overdrawn

    yes i've applied for 3 settlement visa's, FLR and ILR *2, now citizenship for the misses, and apart from the first 2 settlements visa's, all the others were done with virtually £0 savings a bit of planning and my flexible friend, and i've never been refused a visa

    just sad to see other here, who have no savings, start to save and wait 6 months for those statements to come in could be avoided.

    is the x amount alot ? £100s ??
    when r you applying for your visa, so youve' got dec,jan,feb, march , and you waiting for aprils ?

  8. #8
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    Well done on all of your success!! could take a leaf out of your book for the future!!.

    However, i did plan this from sept last year and we were married beginning of this year. I was about to send the docs the other night when i noticed the the over draft interest.. (only £10, but the point is that they will probably wonder why im getting charged for using an overdraft when im in the black and have been for 1 and half months prior)

    Would they really question something that small a payment?

    Ive got most of Nov statement till present and am waiting for a couple of weeks into april before we apply.

    I suppose thats all i can do! not really worth risking the extortionate amount of money for the sake of a couple of statements.

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    we recently got a fiance visa with showing an overdraft on 4 of our statemets , the over draft was reducing each month and we explained why i had overdraft , so i wouldnt worry, just be honest and open .

    good luck

  10. #10
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    AJS, so you think i should submit the bank statements and see if they say anything about it? Mind you, if they read this forum theyll know! hehehe

  11. #11
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    I think you will be fine !
    I submitted 6 months worth of bank statements and i had 1 of them which was in the red,
    if they see you have a positive balance and you have more cash coming in than going out then you will be fine.
    I agree,just submit all 6 and be honest.
    You have nothing to worry about !

  12. #12
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    You will be fine!!!

    Best wishes!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by AJS View Post

    we recently got a fiance visa with showing an overdraft on 4 of our statemets , the over draft was reducing each month and we explained why i had overdraft , so i wouldnt worry, just be honest and open .

    good luck

    At Jessica's Interview, my financial problems were one of the points of discussion, but the ECO accepted it and looked at the evidence that I had extra work and still approved the Visa becasue we had been honest.

  14. #14
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    my thoughts exactly , they dont expect you to be rich or have perfect finances , just as long as your looking fairly positive and that you are honest .

    Good luck

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i wouldn't worry about it

    tell the embassy all the good things, and keep the bad things to a minimum, only tell them what you have to

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