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  1. #1
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    ECDL Fastract

    I rang the school yesterday to know if I am qualified to enrol ECDL fastract which is 10 sessions @ 6 hrs/ session. Qualifications are your passport with ILR stamp, English skills and your computer skills. My skills for Life Certificate and 3 computer certificates helped me qualified.

    Is there anybody here who took ECDL? May I know the advantages and importance of this course? Are the following subject below will be included:

    Photo Editing thru Adobe Photoshop
    Video Editing
    HTML and other language

    Need your opinion/comment guys as I need to enrol next week if I am interested. Need to sort my work schedule so I can still work fulltime.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if i remember correctly ECDL is mainly using MS office...

    covering spreadsheets, word processing, databases, and a bit of net/ copying files.. pretty basic stuff

    so its doesn't cover what you was asking about, but its better than nothing

  3. #3
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    what WE have to be a holder of ILR to enroll in an ECDL course? i thought some ECDL doesn't even have requirements

    different place different rules

    but not sure ok

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if i remember correctly ECDL is mainly using MS office...

    covering spreadsheets, word processing, databases, and a bit of net/ copying files.. pretty basic stuff

    so its doesn't cover what you was asking about, but its better than nothing
    Thanks Joe Seems I need to enrol another courses again after ECDL. There are many short courses about computer Confusing! I just want to learn more about Adobe Photoshop and Video Editing

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiggers0608 View Post

    what WE have to be a holder of ILR to enroll in an ECDL course? i thought some ECDL doesn't even have requirements

    different place different rules

    but not sure ok
    I think you are referring to the normal ECDL course which is 29 weeks or 1 year course. The course I'm on about is fastract. I have noticed you are living in Scotland. Same here but I do attend my schooling in England as we live 10 miles away from England. If I enrol this course in Scotland, it will be much far away from our home.

    We live in between Newcastle and Edinburgh

    You are right, England and Scotland have different rules Anyway I can give you the number if you are still confused. I didn't expect it too when I rang them. I thought it's only the tuition fee that they only required

  5. #5
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I think technically you have to be a british resident or citzen to et on many of these courses with out hiher fees. but from experience many dont ask to much it seems, some do. So worth asking around.

    ECDL like joes says is just for microsoft office unless its changed since the missus took it.
    heres one example explaing something about it

    Worth doing for many on here who are looking for office based work and many other jobs where basic computer skills are required.

    The two first requests are normally taught via a particular package ie like photoshop
    Photo Editing thru Adobe Photoshop
    Video Editing
    Adobe ones are normally fairly pricy.

    HTML and other language

    You may be lucky and find a local course which
    in most cases will not have a qualfication.

    Are you more intrested in the skills or

    is good for web skills and many recgonise.

    Maybe worth asking your workplace, many at the moment are cutting back on training
    but may help you, even if it is just getting you a discount or time off to study.

    Good luck
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  6. #6
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    Thanks Somebody!
    I am familiar with all these modules (1-7) as I had exerience of these in the Philippines for 5 years and learned typing thru manual typewriter to gain speed of 45-60 WPM during my college years. But I haven't got any certificate about IT. I just got 3 from our local college here but I feel it's not enough for me. That's why I need to study again here for formality(?) to gain career advancement in the future.

    You're right, Adobe is pricy. Dreamweaver as well. I've got Dreamweaver 5 and I think Adobe is the best combination tool to make a good web

    Once again, thanks

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Thanks Somebody!
    I am familiar with all these modules (1-7) as I had exerience of these in the Philippines for 5 years and learned typing thru manual typewriter to gain speed of 45-60 WPM during my college years. But I haven't got any certificate about IT. I just got 3 from our local college here but I feel it's not enough for me. That's why I need to study again here for formality(?) to gain career advancement in the future.

    You're right, Adobe is pricy. Dreamweaver as well. I've got Dreamweaver 5 and I think Adobe is the best combination tool to make a good web

    Once again, thanks
    With art work and creavity side of things many employers will want to see examples of past projects etc.
    Even with Html and coding its alot about what you have producded as well. Very hard to say as a person selecting oh they are better because they have a certficate.

    Always worth getting any qualfication especially ones which are bread and butter in your field.

    Using office applications is just like they say like driving in many jobs a basic requirment. if you cant navigate your way round a pc and create reports, spreadsheets and databases you will soon make your boss wonder why they employed you.

    With regards adobe personally i buy a decent book on the product and with some googling learn the features myself.

    Adobe like microsoft and all the others spend millions trying to make them user friendly so often its possible with some reading, and practise. To create what you need.

    The help guide on most adobe products is quite comprehensive so maybe worth seeing how you get on.

    Many of the major products have forums both run by the publishing company and independent will have professional users who will like on here be happy to help you along.

    If you wish to further your career in the web side of things I would suggest looking on the CIW website for help.

    Due to the young age of the internet (when i was at uni it was still a baby) many of my friends who went into the field had general computing degrees. While some had a graphic design/art background.

    Now when interviewing people at work to admin and create content for our company websites and intranet. Many have quals like the CIW but many others still have compuing degrees or graphic design. Some simply have experience are self taught and show me examples of existing projects and websites.

    Do remeber although dreamweaver is a great package still worth gening up on xhtml and css.
    Many companies want people to make sure coding is as efficent as possible thats not always the case with dreamweaver etc.
    At the moment cutting bandwith is a major issue with many companies.

    On a random note check out this site some handy refrence guides here

    I would like to stress be very careful of a lot of courses which learn direct and the evening classes have. You do learn skils but many dont actually I belive leave you with a cert at the end. Sadly many companies HR departments wont let you get to interview stage without some certs to tick off the check list. But if you do get to be interviewed by people in the field you need to have experience and be able to demostrate practical skils and knowledge as many know the IT industry is rife with people with what is called "paper certs" ie they have managed to pass exams but have no understanding of what they need to do and no practical skills or experience.
    As they merely sat and passed exams with out any practical training or simple practise.

    Its worth creating website/s with make belive companies details say but showing your practical skills and talents.

    So pages with examples of forms, ways of displaying information in diffrent styles. Pages optimised for differnt bowers (mobile is a big groeth area) being able to detect the dreaded ie 8

    All the above shows me say that you can do what i need, have had your trial and error stage at somebodies else expense other than me.

    You dont need on line simply be able to demostrate if needed.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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