Got a question and need your help for opinion and advice, my husband is in disability living allowance, will he lose his benefits cause i'm here in uk now?![]()
Got a question and need your help for opinion and advice, my husband is in disability living allowance, will he lose his benefits cause i'm here in uk now?![]()
Your husband's benefits should bare no relationship to your being in the UK, if your husband has qualfied for DLA that is not means tested, the benefit is needs based and therefore is universally applied on qualification.
He should not loose any of his benefits due to your arrival in the UK, unless of couse you have not furnished us with the full facts.
Pete_Forum Moderator
Philippines marriage, Courtships, UK Entry Clearance
thank you sir pete for your advice, its just that my husband's council tax community charge has just arrived ( he declared im here in the uk in the council tax offices) and he seems to loss his benefit on it..i mean not only the 25% living alone but all the benefits also. We tried to phone the council and they said that cause im here it will be taken off. My husband is prepared to pay that its just that his also been in dla thats why his apprehensive that, that might also be taken off.. his been on dla for 3 years cause his house has been on fire and he was badly burn cause of it..still suffering cause of it up until now really.Thanks again for the advice.
one thing you do need to make sure of, is that he doesn't receive more money of any benefit's because your living with him.![]()
nope i don't think so..
but some other benefits can be paid if your in the phils
Unfortunately that seems about right. As you are living there and you are not entitled to any benefits at the very least the council tax is going to be 75% of the full value.
Also council tax is one thing they seem to check when you apply for ILR. I've seen cases of people being called in for interviews when applying for ILR because for example the British spouse forgot to notify the council that they were no longer entitled to the single person discount.
My husband will go again on Monday to the council offices to inquire about this also. He was thinking like what Iain had said that it will only be the 25% that he will lose.Better to sort this out now dont want to be interviewed during ilr application like what darren-b said if left out and not mentioned in spouse council tax. Thanks iain and darren-b.
I'm guessing that at the moment he is receiving something like this..
The way I understand it is... If a second adult moves in who is not entitled to any benefits (eg a non-British national under immigration control), then none of this benefit would be paid any more as the second adult is deemed to be capable of paying the full bill, even if that second adult wasn't actually earning. If your joint income was low enough and you could claim income support as a couple you'd get the council tax benefit back. Unfortunately if you only have FLR you can't do that or else it will cause you problems when you come to apply for ILR.
Please inquire again, though don't be surprised if this is what they say.
I can get my full war pension anywhere in the why am I still here?![]()
Keith - Administrator
good question
this country amazes me, the gov can give billions to the banks and massive pay offs to those who were in charge who brought this country to its knees, yet they will not give £200,000 to those who risk their life's for this country
oh and in the end the gov, or should i say the national lottery offers to help, too late the public have raised the money![]()
What did you expect from this lot...???
The Gurkhas are still in Limbo with their legitimate claims.
Anything to do with National Pride is being eroded to extinction.
What next...???
Banning the Union Jack because it may upset people due to it being flown during the Empire years and having connotations of colonialism....???
In Italy it is a crime punishable with jail if anybody offends the National Flag, in any way shape or form.
Here any Tom, Dick or Mohammed can burn the Union Jack on any street corner with impunity.... Where's common sense gone...?
I hope my hubby can claim war pension too. He worked in the army for 7 years, drove armoured car and used to ride in a horse and had accident in his knee. He's moaning about his knee and there was war pension doctor who visited him at home weeks ago to check up his knee
Still waiting for the outcome. Finger cross![]()
I use pictures of Brown for whiping him a streaky tan
Keith - Administrator
Scholes & Rooney both sent off.....oh to be a fly on the dressing room wall after that match.....I bet Fergie was great fun to be with![]()
Keith - Administrator
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