I was replying to Piamed but my reply got too long so I thought it better to make a new thread.
I was wondering when Rochelyn & I are in Thailand soon, how many Thais will speak to Rochelyn as if she is a Thai herself.
However, when I am around the shops in the UK, I can always see Filipinas from a long way off. I think Filipinas have a very special certain look.
I mean the decendents of Malays, but I know there are many descendents from the Chinese in the Philippines also.
It is that nice Malay face but with the very distinctive Filipina mouth
I know all of us men love the look of our Filipina wives, fiancees or girlfriends.
I always found it shocking whilst in the Philippines how prevalent, especially in the advertisements on the billboards and on the TV, what shows the "ideal" - the very white skinned Chinese Filipina models.
I once met a Filipino store owner of Chinese descent, who told me he had married a Filipina too.When I questioned him further, he told me that the Filipinas from Malay stock were the "real Filipinas", yet from what I noticed in the media, the models seemed to paint a different picture as to the aspirations that commercial entities want to portray, and all the ladies there look up to their icons.
My wife's icon is Angel Locsin, once again, a model and actress from Chinese stock.
I was talking to a 14 year old Filipino boy in a store on Negros and he told me that although he had a "Filipina" girlfriend, he was looking for a "Chinese" as "they are better with money".
I just laughed at this, but I do think it so important when travelling to try to understand popular trends in different cultures.
In a way, I understood the boy's thinking as I once worked in many countries in Asia and the many businesses run by "Chinese" families attest to their business acumen.
Now, don't get me wrong as I also think Chinese ladies are very attractive, but personally, I prefer my "Filipina".
Her face is so special to me
I am often stopped dead in my tracks by her Filipina beauty.
Of course she has her own particular personality but there is something magical in the Filipina look, combined with their never-ending warmth of personality and spirit.
We're very lucky, us men with a Filipina love![]()