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Thread: Hi im new here and i need help

  1. #1
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    Smile Hi im new here and i need help

    Hi im Albert and i just passed the Local Board exam and still i have no experience but im hoping to have a chance to work in UK. Can anyone help me? By the way is there a Wanik Hospital in manchester? someone by the name of Mark Lopez is recruiting me to work in that hospital and he gave me an agency where i can have my papers done, but that agency wants me to pay 1000 pounds for the papers. I am doubtful about the agency. Can i have an advice from the experts?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by axeforce View Post
    Hi im Albert and i just passed the Local Board exam and still i have no experience but im hoping to have a chance to work in UK. Can anyone help me? By the way is there a Wanik Hospital in manchester? someone by the name of Mark Lopez is recruiting me to work in that hospital and he gave me an agency where i can have my papers done, but that agency wants me to pay 1000 pounds for the papers. I am doubtful about the agency. Can i have an advice from the experts?

    That sounds like a scam.

    Besides you would not have enough points to to qualify to enter the UK, under the Skilled Worker Visa rules.
    Or something to that effect.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes ask them for the address and telephone number of the hospital, and if it's a NHS hospital or a private one, i lived in Manchester all my life and have never heard of it..

    as Dom has said, seeing you're not a specialist nurse, i doubt you could qualify as its a points based system now, also the job would have to be advertised in the UK, so with so many people chasing fewer jobs now, you're chances are slim.

    of course this 'agency' will charge you and take your money, but only for you to fail at the last hurdle. save your money and go and get more experience and skills with your money. then try again later

    my wife is a registered doc in the phils, after being in the uk 4yrs she still not working as a doc, its a uphill struggle of taking exams

  4. #4
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    Guess this might be the advert you are referring to?

    Company: wanik Hospital
    Contact Name: Mark lopez
    Address: 120 Princess Road
    City: Greater Manchester
    Zip/Postal Code: M15 5AT
    State/Province: Manchester

    That address though shows up as

    The Bridgewater Hospital
    120 Princess Road
    M15 5AT

    It is a scam, though you could contact the hospital direct (easy to find their contacts details) if you want to check.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by axeforce View Post
    Hi im Albert and i just passed the Local Board exam and still i have no experience but im hoping to have a chance to work in UK. Can anyone help me? By the way is there a Wanik Hospital in manchester? someone by the name of Mark Lopez is recruiting me to work in that hospital and he gave me an agency where i can have my papers done, but that agency wants me to pay 1000 pounds for the papers. I am doubtful about the agency. Can i have an advice from the experts?
    You can check the agency at POEA if it is accredited to this office. If the agency is accredited, you can still check it at POEA office if the agency have job orders in Wanik Hospital. It is in the 2nd floor (mezzanine) of POEA if you want to check.

    By the way, how did you meet Mark? Why he is recruiting you if he is not the owner of the agency? Is he just referred you to agency? Be careful of scammers they are evrywhere

    Please visit POEA website

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nice bit of detective work darren

    that address is a cosmetic clinic, and i dont see why they would offer you, as your not experienced a job, they can afford to pick and pay for the best

  7. #7
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    i will like to tell you i know about wanik hospital in Canada because am from Canada and i this they have other office in UK so you can ask the web page and ask them if they have office in Canada too so if you are ready to work with them my advise it that to find out about the web page and the address because the wanik hospital here in Canada is private hospital but i wish you good luck in your work my friends

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