Quote Originally Posted by axeforce View Post
Hi im Albert and i just passed the Local Board exam and still i have no experience but im hoping to have a chance to work in UK. Can anyone help me? By the way is there a Wanik Hospital in manchester? someone by the name of Mark Lopez is recruiting me to work in that hospital and he gave me an agency where i can have my papers done, but that agency wants me to pay 1000 pounds for the papers. I am doubtful about the agency. Can i have an advice from the experts?
You can check the agency at POEA if it is accredited to this office. If the agency is accredited, you can still check it at POEA office if the agency have job orders in Wanik Hospital. It is in the 2nd floor (mezzanine) of POEA if you want to check.

By the way, how did you meet Mark? Why he is recruiting you if he is not the owner of the agency? Is he just referred you to agency? Be careful of scammers they are evrywhere

Please visit POEA website