...and so the story continue

am here at the moment at Vietnam, doing things as usual (work related).. so whats the buzz... 3 Things!

1. There is no d*mn English translation of most of the signage here...
2. There is handful of people who can talk english ( basic hi and hell0) thats its.
3. Most of the food are not translated in English..so here the big problem...
Dog meat is a common part of there. menu..i dont dare to take order outside of my comfort zone ( my hotel resto) so yah am dreading myse lf with never ending pizza and pasta and if lucky a few glass of margarita...

So ask if am intend to go back!.. not a chance!.. am just glad am sharing this business trip with my colleague (now a my BF) so yah... things getting better from a different perspective...

Btw - since we arrived ( 17.03.2009), the taxi always got lost finding the place where we should do our work... perhaps our new office here is not yet mapped in the current vietnam official district (sigh)

And lasly - 1SGD = 11,000VND... so as of now, i can consider myself Millionare as i exchange 300SGD into VND...so yah, am 3M Millionaire by now...hahahhaa

....to be continue....

Greate weekend ahead to all you...

Reporting from Melia Hotel - Hanoi Vietnam...