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Thread: flr and public funds

  1. #1
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    flr and public funds

    i was talking to a turkish national today and he told me something i found strange.

    he married a british lady in turkey and then came here on a two year spouse visa, he is now on a two year FLR visa which is due to expire next month.
    total 4 years.

    he has seperated from his wife and is concerned now for his renewal of the FLR visa because she will not help him now.
    i think he can apply in his own right now but i may be wrong.

    the odd bit is that his visa states no recourse to public funds like all of our partners visas, but he is claiming job seekers allowance and gets his council rent paid.
    he was told in the job centre that the rules have changed and as he had been paying his tax etc since coming to the UK that he could claim them,
    he also showed them his visa but still told him he can claim.

    as this would apply to our friends on here does any one know if it is correct or have the job centre cocked up.

    i know what it says on my asawas papers

    regards john

  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    If thats the case i will to claim...
    but too scared that i will get in trouble in getting ILR.....
    tiger tigress

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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    turkey is a bit of a turkey, sorry for the pun

    i think there has been some changes for turks, but maybe that's with european law, and as his wife is British, and he applied for a spouse visa, then he under British immigration laws.

    i take it he had a spouse visa, and for what ever reason (maybe he couldn't pass the life in uk test, or had spent too long out of the uk to qualify for ILR) so he had to apply for FLR,

    well as far as i know, if he hasn't got ILR he cannot claim benefits, doesn't matter if he's paid taxes or not, and as far as i know because he hasn't got ILR he cant stay here, when his visa expires

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    When i get my flr 2 years ago they enclosed a letter on it on what benefits u can and cannot get. You can claim jobseeker's allowance based on your national conrtibution share. So he is ok if he's been working ever since and paid enough tax to qualify him.

    But I donnu know if he can apply for ilr since he is not with his wife now.

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