Hi All,

A friend recommended I check out this group and it looks great

I'm 48, originally from Cambridge, about a lifetime ago, but grew up in Perth, West Australia. 20 years in Asia, lived in Subic / Olongapo 97 - 02 before going back to Malaysia for a few years, then back here 2004 till now, mainly in Tarlac Province, staying for life now, no parole requested.

I work from home with a small team doing programming, database and other web work for UK firms. I live with my wife to be Debs, my 10yo son and her 11yo daughter - we each had half a family till 15 months ago when she went from data encoding employee to partner in life

No hobbies really - too busy working all the time - although Man Utd games must be watched with diligence (and Debs is now a convert of course). Won't talk about yesterday's game...

Aside from work I try to get some community service in here as a member of the Guardians (GBI - "RMG Ronin"). Any Guardians in the UK on this forum?

Anyway, now I ramble, I'll lurk for a while until I can contribute something

Thanks for having me aboard

