can anyone explain to me the importance and difference of these two?
can anyone explain to me the importance and difference of these two?
p45 is when u first started a job/work you have to fill it in..while p60 all your tax, earnings etc are there and u can get it once a year.
You get a P45 from your employer when you stop working for them. It's a record of your pay and the tax that's been deducted from it so far in the tax year. It shows:
* your tax code and PAYE (Pay As You Earn) reference number
* your National Insurance number
* your leaving date
* your earnings in the tax year
* how much tax was deducted from your earnings
A P45 has four parts - Part 1, Part 1A, Part 2 and Part 3. Your employer sends Part 1 to HMRC and gives you the other three. When you start a new job, or claim Jobseeker's Allowance, you give Part 2 and Part 3 to your new employer or to the Jobcentre. You keep the remaining one - Part 1A for your own records.
Your employer should automatically give you a P45 when you stop working for them. If not, ask for it - you're entitled to it by law.
Your P60 is the summary of your pay and the tax that's been deducted from it in the tax year.
Your employer should give you a P60 to keep as a record at the end of every tax year (which runs from 6 April to 5 April the next year). If your employer doesn't give you a P60 at the end of the tax year, ask for it - you're entitled to it by law if you are still working for the employer at 5 April.
You might need it:
* to complete a Self Assessment tax return, if this applies to you
* to claim back any tax you've overpaid
* to apply for tax credits
You may also need it as proof of your income if you apply for a loan or a mortgage - so it's important to keep all your P60s safe.
If you leave your job Kim, your employer will give your P45. You will give a copy to your next employer.
P60 is your earnings the whole year and you will receive every April I think. I got mine last wednesday and had 1600£+ tax paid. It said I can refund it but so many IF's.
If I am working on tax credit etc. But I think I am not qualified to refund it.
HOW CAN I REFUND THIS P60? Please I need more infoI can't ask hubby, I want secret ehhh
Will surprise him
See my message on your YM
thank u very much indeed Sconnie..
My Boss has just given me my P60 and she told me I am entitled for a refund, but I dont know how and where to start..
..oh, thanks for the link u sent in YM, that's very nice of u..
thanks Ate Penny, I am also wondering about the refund..![]()
if your working, you don't ever want to see a P45, especially if you like your job![]()
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