My Invitation to the AIAT Feltham Middelsex net week.
Just to let you all know, I have been invited to attend and sit in on a live appeal going through the Asylum and Immigration Appeal's tribunal at Feltham in Middelsex, next week.
I am full conversant with the case, which for legal reason's I am unable to disclose who the apellant is at present, however, the lawyer who is presenting the case for an appeal against a refusal to issue a spouse visa, has asked for me to join him.
I am most anxious to attend this hearing, as I hope to learn quite a lot about the inner workings of the appeal's process, and in turn use some of that knowledge here at the forum, in he future.
The Immigration solicitor acting for the appelant and the sponsor is aware of my association on this forum, and along with another lay advisor we hope to have the experience of listening to, and taking notes on the format of the hearing, and any relevant information that we feel would be of value to help our other readers at this forum.
Naturally, I am excited, so wish me well, and I hope to come back with some good pointers for the future, naturally I am representing the forum so I will be dressed for the occasion, business suit collar and tie, black shoes, and a partridge in a pear tree.