My 3B excitedly tries to wakes me up this morning to share something he has discovered over the net .... the conversation goes like this...

3B - Babes wake up, check this out !!!
Me - What ? am still sleepy, can i see that later?
3B - have to see this cool, i just discovered it a few minutes, seems theres a lot of thing here...

So i tried to stretch up a bit and stare the laptop screen from the bed.. Hmmmm look familiar i thought, then i ask him ' whats the site?'

3B - he replied ...""

Me - ah ok, its sound cool, check out more as i still need to sleep...

After 30mins...

3B- and so! thats its! so you are lavander and you even posted my picture on the gallery... hmmmm

Me - (still sleepy) Babes, is it ok ? i can take it off if you want...

3B- ??? take it off ? .. Of course not!.... i look good in the picture anyway and just so everyone knows ur taken!.... ( then he give me a kiss)

3B - but what do u mean with 3B?

Me - Babes, let u know later... am still sleepy! be continue..