Well if every time you come back there is a issue between the phill staff and the care co ordinator. You really do need to get to the route of the problem.
Without casting aspersations do you know for sure that the filipinas are not at least partly to blame either slack of when your not there or keep to themselves etc?
I have noticed Filpinas in genral do seem to take things very personally in a way many Brits dont. My Wife and her Phill friends always seem to have far more issues at work than other friends and family (of various races and religions)
I have had good staff taken away from me in various roles and at first it used to really annoy me until I sussed that they were doing it becuase I was good at helping people devlop skills.
With out knowing the situation you sure its not a case of. OK we have another good worker here we need a good worker there to increase performance.
The amount of times the Wife and her Fillipina friends at work thought they were being picked on by being split up and given certain roles when really the floor manager actually knew they were needed in them areas.
My Wife was told once in her job that she was needed to just sell tickets for a special event her store was holding. She was annoyed when she rang up saying my mangers all ways make me do this.
When i asked a few questions, he turned out of all the staff only my wife out of a large number had managed to sell more than a couple. In fact she was streets ahead.
Later that day the store manager came down and thanked her for getting so many sold and gave her a special gift box.
The picking on was in that case and many others becuase she was seen by management as good in her role. So utlised her she also managed three pay rises in a year![]()
This also happened in her two previous jobs where she was picked on to cash up, train others when others more experienced because she was performing better than them. At first again she thought her managers picking on her
Whatever the issue I hope it gets sorted.
Dont rely on particulalry junior managment as being of any use most are if anything learning on the job. So dont be surprised being blessed with a Phills often superior social skills to many Brits you notice an issue before they do.