I would just assume that the relationship started on the basis of pure lust on both parts.....
And now that it has fizzled out both parties are sorry, and brings us to the old adage of doing things in haste and repenting at leisure.....
Or something to that effect...
I am taking things with a pinch of salt at the moment, the details are very sketchy, even including the other thread she posted, and I would be prone to wait for more details.
Wether they are forthcoming or not, ain't going to lose much sleep over it....
If she wanted to get shut of him, it would be ever so easy, all she needs to do is complain to the police or immigration service and he will be on the next plane out as undesirable.......
So I would guess that there is more to it than meets the eye.....
If what she reports on the forum is true, I am deeply shocked, but it is one side of the story only and prejudging is not fair.
So I sit and wait for more info on the matter, although I ain't holding my breath.........