Hiya had to say I was not that excited about Twittering, as email and IM fufilled my needs.

But now Vodafone are making sms's free to recieve and those you send part of your text pack or whatever they call it. The Wife and her Pinoy mates im sure will really take it to another level with mass sms calls with their Friends now dotted all over the world. Untill now she has used her PC or smartphone and a Data connection. The applications on the smart phone are still very basic and not very user friendly.

It has replaced texting her bro and sister (with seperate logins) so no more expensive international texts
Also she now knows what ashton kucher, steven fry, jonthan ross and leonardo de caprio are up to as well as what her mates are up to

The phill end of sms twitter a little bit complicated but hopefully will get easier in time as it does with most new techs.

So anyone else twittering with de folks abroad etc?