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Thread: A Handy Tip For You...

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  1. #1
    Respected Member irobot's Avatar
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    Thumbs up A Handy Tip For You...

    Irobot " Sunny ...Different From The Rest..."

    HI peep`s.... Here is a tip for the people here with a wood burning glass fronted stove/burner....

    When the glass gets smoke dirty a very cheap way to clean the glass well free actually is :-

    First find a soft plastic / foam washing up scouring pad (scotch bright type NOT STEEL ) then raid the food cupboard for a old empty jar of pickled onions and what you are looking for is the jar and the white vinegar...

    Method... cut a inch square off the scotch bright plastic / foam washing up scourer and tip a little white vinegar into a jar lid or what ever you have available then open your wood burner ash tin and get some soft wood or coal ash and make a nice paste of ash / white vinegar , then gently dip scotch bright and rub the black smoke dirt off the inside of the window of the wood burner... then wipe off the glass with some kitchen roll then get a clean piece of kitchen roll and dip into the clean white vinegar then clean and wipe the glass again.... perfectly clean as can be... try it... its a good cheap way to clean the glass ... all the best... Phil..
    ...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Good tip Irobot

    I have 2 woodburners, though usually only have the one going all the time.
    I'm forever out there collecting & cutting/chopping wood.

  3. #3
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Good tip Irobot

    I'm forever out there collecting & cutting/chopping wood.
    There you go Simon your first present for Ladybug when you finally get her over here.... a new shiny axe or proper filipino Bolo!!!!!!!
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    There you go Simon your first present for Ladybug when you finally get her over here.... a new shiny axe or proper filipino Bolo!!!!!!!
    Yes how romantic

    We can have His & Her axes &

    His & Her chainsaws

  5. #5
    Respected Member irobot's Avatar
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    Irobot..." Sunny Different From The Rest..."

    Hi there Simon, I only have the one wood burner and it is the one boyz toy I could not do without. I found the glass tip off the internet searching an American site on how to make the most from your wood burner....

    I have another good tip for you too but this one will cost you money....

    My wood burner is in the lounge with an ordinary UK builders opening ..( chimney / fire place size ) for the peep`s who don`t know soooooo not too much room in there with the wood burner any how here is my tip...

    My wood burner has a bottom and back shield to stop losing heat where you don`t want too... I got the internet site and the place is on the wells road.... but I bought two cast iron fire backs to go either side of the inside of the fireplace ( I drilled the bottom and put 4 inch high legs on them to make them higher to catch more heat ). Any way they weigh about 39 kg each so your heating up an extra 171.6 pounds of cast iron which in turn radiates heat and stops heat lose into the side of the chimney but... they cost about £130.00P each but I recon it saves me over an hours worth of wood every time I use it and it keeps the room warmer for longer ..... and all that extra heat you are getting would be wasted by going into the side of your chimney breast.....Phil..
    ...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...

  6. #6
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Some more Top Tips ....

    Save a fortune on laundry bills. Give your dirty shirts to Oxfam. They
    will wash and iron them and you can then buy them back for 50p.

    Why not pop a few tea bags in your hot water tank and you can make a
    hot cuppa anytime by just turning on the tap.

    Use exterior wood stain as a fast, long-lasting and attractive alternative
    to sun-bed treatments.

    Always keep a pound of lard in your pocket so that if you get your
    head stuck in railings you'll be able to grease your ears and slide out.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irobot View Post
    Irobot..." Sunny Different From The Rest..."

    Hi there Simon, I only have the one wood burner and it is the one boyz toy I could not do without. I found the glass tip off the internet searching an American site on how to make the most from your wood burner....

    I have another good tip for you too but this one will cost you money....

    My wood burner is in the lounge with an ordinary UK builders opening ..( chimney / fire place size ) for the peep`s who don`t know soooooo not too much room in there with the wood burner any how here is my tip...

    My wood burner has a bottom and back shield to stop losing heat where you don`t want too... I got the internet site and the place is on the wells road.... but I bought two cast iron fire backs to go either side of the inside of the fireplace ( I drilled the bottom and put 4 inch high legs on them to make them higher to catch more heat ). Any way they weigh about 39 kg each so your heating up an extra 171.6 pounds of cast iron which in turn radiates heat and stops heat lose into the side of the chimney but... they cost about £130.00P each but I recon it saves me over an hours worth of wood every time I use it and it keeps the room warmer for longer ..... and all that extra heat you are getting would be wasted by going into the side of your chimney breast.....Phil..
    I guess if it throws out more heat, it's a good idea...Don't like the cost though haha!
    I throw all types of wood in it, sometimes it dosen't give out much heat, lf it's damp. (I know you're not supposed to put damp wood in , but everyone does).
    They are lovely, but they are hard work.

    Thanks for your v message by the way.

    Have you had that saucepan removed from your head yet?...Get down that hospital now!

  8. #8
    Respected Member irobot's Avatar
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    Irobot..." Sunny... Different From The Rest... "

    Well got a holiday coming up very soon just may do the Hospital run thang.!!...

    They are a bit hungry Wood Burners sometimes I must admit but I started early saving wood and was lucky I have almost enough wood for this years winter already drying now... I expect you do the fast burn pallet run as well .... Where I work they pay to get rid of pallets ?? How Mads That ??...

    I also use a fire lighter to start mine going with a couple of red matches pushed into them up to the match head, that gets it going ....

    Seems that other peep`s like our tips ....may have a Robot Tip Page....he he he ....
    ...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...

  9. #9
    Respected Member irobot's Avatar
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    Irobot..." Sunny Different From The Rest... "

    Just one more tip... For you, yepp a woodburner one in my quest to go green ect and get the most out of my boyz toy the woodburner I am getting temperatures of 80 deg and find it a little warm in my front room...sooooooo my next project was to get rid of the warm air.

    As we know hot air rises so I went bull at a gate for this one and drilled a 4 inch hole low down through my front room wall into the cool hallway and put a fly screened hit and miss vent cover on both sides,then another 4 inch hole high up at the other end of the room for the hot air to get out hoping for a nice draw loop system for the woodburner, but the results were disapointing i did get a better draw to the burner but not much heat going into the hall plan "B".

    I put a 4 inch extractor fan in the top hole to circulate the hot air out of the front room and warm up the hall way ..job done and testing is forth coming but I recon result... Going to give up on trying to get any more heat from the wood burner and now looking for another project to do....Phil...
    ...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...

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