Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
Hi there again

Excellent advice from Pennybarry,
I love the MANO PO, it is a wonderful sign of respect and deference. I think it could be a great ice breaker and you could explain the meaning and signifcance.

Don't worry they will love you.
Thanks Scotts&Ligaya. Maybe that's why they love me but I am sure if you are a good daughter to your Mom in the Philippines, you will have no big problems with in-laws. Anywhere I go, I never forget any bitbit/pasalubong/presence to my both Moms.
I never forget to kiss and hug them if we will go to farther places/holidays.
Elderlies always needs attention. My Nanay and Mom-in-law are the same, They feel wonderful if I'm sitting next after them and listen to their stories.