This was sent to me via email, and thought I'd publish it here, as you can bet it won't be the first time people require the same answer;


i am 26 yo filipina and i met a british sometime may 2004,,,,at that time,,,we didnt establish evidence of our communication such as emails, letters.

He visited me this Sept.24 and we were engaged to be married this nov. he is coming back this nov.20 to get married and im just waiting for his CNI....

My question is,,,"How can I apply a settlement visa after we get married if we just started our letters and emails this October when he go back to england?"

Is the embassy require many letters and emails?

What is the best thing we could do for us to be together?
we are intented to live together forever and we are really inlove with each other, we really
want to have a happy family together.

Regards Blessy"