That's not dirty but this one is:
1st nun: Father John put his thing inside me, he said it was the key to heaven..
2nd nun: That swine, he told me it was Gabriels horn and I've been blowing it for 20 years!
That's not dirty but this one is:
1st nun: Father John put his thing inside me, he said it was the key to heaven..
2nd nun: That swine, he told me it was Gabriels horn and I've been blowing it for 20 years!
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
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