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Thread: CFO Requirements

  1. #1
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    CFO Requirements

    Hi all, I have found a web page giving information about the Commission on Filipinos Overseas requirements, but wondered if someone who has been through it could explain it in simple terms, this seems as if all Filipino's wanting to settle in the UK have to do this.
    Is this a two part thing in that there is a seminar then a test?
    Can this be done in Manila, after getting the visa, and how long does it take and the cost.
    Thanks, Mick Cant.

  2. #2
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    If you type CFO in the Search will find a lot of thread regarding this.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Mick, It takes a full day, can be taken in Manila after receiving the visa and the day of the week depends on the country the visa is for (Thursday used to be for UK)

  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Thank you Mavid and John & Vanessa, I was able to see just what it is about and what my wife will need to take.

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Mick,
    It can be done in either Manila or Cebu and it can be done after she gets her visa.

  6. #6
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    It can also be done before the visa is issued, but then the subject needs to go to CFO (we went to the office at the end of Supper Highway in Manila) to get the permission to leave Phil stamp. My wife's best friend who is waiting for her Visa, has already done the counseling.

    Just a point in passing. Remember the people asking the questions about husband, his family etc, don't know the answers ! The wife of an Australian guy I met whilst waiting for my wife had told them her husband had a degree in nuclear physics. When I told him I was impressed he said, in fact he had received a very basic education ! So all the effort my wife had put in learning about my background was unnecessary.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    It can also be done before the visa is issued, but then the subject needs to go to CFO (we went to the office at the end of Supper Highway in Manila) to get the permission to leave Phil stamp. My wife's best friend who is waiting for her Visa, has already done the counseling.

    Just a point in passing. Remember the people asking the questions about husband, his family etc, don't know the answers ! The wife of an Australian guy I met whilst waiting for my wife had told them her husband had a degree in nuclear physics. When I told him I was impressed he said, in fact he had received a very basic education ! So all the effort my wife had put in learning about my backgammon was unnecessary.
    Thanks for that, I suppose it is how the questions are answerd more than the fact of the answers, my wife is trying to take in as much as possible about me, my family and the UK, so I think it best to leave her learning, she suddenly asked this weekend if my car was still green in colour! so she is really trying hard.
    All the best, Mick.

  8. #8
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    What is the test for?

    I'm leaving in 3 weeks and I've only learned about the CFO just now. Will they ask for a certificate at NAIA?

  9. #9
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wachovia View Post
    What is the test for?

    I'm leaving in 3 weeks and I've only learned about the CFO just now. Will they ask for a certificate at NAIA?
    hi, wachovia,

    what kind of visa do u have?because I know CFO stamp is one of the requirements with our Immigration.

    so ud better get it now,before u leave

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wachovia View Post
    What is the test for?

    I'm leaving in 3 weeks and I've only learned about the CFO just now. Will they ask for a certificate at NAIA?
    Its not a test hehehe
    After the counselling you will be asked for a one on one interview regarding you and your fiance/spouse Take some picz of you together

    When you pass the immigration in the airport they will check if you've got the sticker ( which you can get after you've done your cfo counselling) Correct me if im wrong guys esp thoese who had it recently hehehehehe


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by wachovia View Post
    What is the test for?

    I'm leaving in 3 weeks and I've only learned about the CFO just now. Will they ask for a certificate at NAIA?
    YES they will ask for it,are u in visit visa or settlement,if tourist visa only,you dont need to take one,and if you are for settlement ,go CFO as soon as you can,they (naia) wont let you fly if you dont have sticker on your passport

    come there b4 9 am,in about 2-3 hours ,before lunch,you'll gonna have sticker (not whole day )
    they only ask my passport with the stamp on it,nothing else,i just dont know the other CFO location if what requirement they want

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    Its not a test hehehe
    After the counselling you will be asked for a one on one interview regarding you and your fiance/spouse Take some picz of you together

    When you pass the immigration in the airport they will check if you've got the sticker ( which you can get after you've done your cfo counselling) Correct me if im wrong guys esp thoese who had it recently hehehehehe

    He he, I don't have a fiancé nor a husband. No pictures to show them.

    I'm on Tier 1 (general) visa.

    After reading about this CFO thingy, I guess I have to do it next week. Hay...

    Thanks guys!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wachovia View Post
    He he, I don't have a fiancé nor a husband. No pictures to show them.

    I'm on Tier 1 (general) visa.

    After reading about this CFO thingy, I guess I have to do it next week. Hay...

    Thanks guys!
    Hehehehehehe thats better for you


  14. #14
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    YES they will ask for it,are u in visit visa or settlement,if tourist visa only,you dont need to take one,and if you are for settlement ,go CFO as soon as you can,they (naia) wont let you fly if you dont have sticker on your passport

    come there b4 9 am,in about 2-3 hours ,before lunch,you'll gonna have sticker (not whole day )
    they only ask my passport with the stamp on it,nothing else,i just dont know the other CFO location if what requirement they want
    Whole day depends on the queue

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    Whole day depends on the queue
    Queue ?

    I was saying about the cubao location come by 9am they will have it b4 lunch,

  16. #16
    Respected Member nids123's Avatar
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    there is one other iffice in querino avenue corner osmina hiway city gold center manila.thats the other cfo office.and the counselling place is on infront of lasalle uni in taft avenue second floor of bdo. they r open from monday to friday 9 am to 5 am.numbers is 5623848/5618321 loc 104/105/201 first u do the counsilling then after go to the cfo for stamp.its cost 750 pesos all

  17. #17
    Respected Member nids123's Avatar
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    need at the counsilling is merrage cirti photo copy and birth ciriti passport photo copy and picture together hehehehe they ask for ur pic together.and ask about u and she should know u well.goodluck

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wachovia View Post
    What is the test for?

    I'm leaving in 3 weeks and I've only learned about the CFO just now. Will they ask for a certificate at NAIA?
    Hey there You will not be allowed to leave without CFO, even if you have everything (visa, flight tickets, etc.) CFO is a requirement and you will be asked for that before you leave manila. It only takes a day to get it, so i'm sure you can still squeeze that in before your flight.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Hey there You will not be allowed to leave without CFO, even if you have everything (visa, flight tickets, etc.) CFO is a requirement and you will be asked for that before you leave manila. It only takes a day to get it, so i'm sure you can still squeeze that in before your flight.
    I called CFO and VACS and I don't need it. Tier 1 is a non-settlement visa, so no need for a stamp.

    Thanks though.

  20. #20
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    To Wachovia

    You must be refering to CFO- PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar)
    I have cousin attended the seminar she said takes few hours only and taken day before her flight
    Have a safe trip


    Pre-Departure Registration

    Filipino emigrants or those leaving the country to settle permanently abroad are required to register with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO). Part of its registration requirements is attendance in the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) to prepare them for settlement overseas. Those who are 12 years old and below are exempt from attending the PDOS. They must, however, be registered, even if by proxy. Children of emigrants, aged 13 to 19, are required to attend the Peer Counseling Program to help facilitate their adjustment to a new environment.

    The registration of Filipino emigrants started in 1981, or a year after the CFO was created. The registration process generates an information resource on Filipino emigrants, which provides reference for policy formulation and program development.

    Pre-Departure Orientation Seminars (PDOS)

    Country-specific pre-departure orientation seminars are conducted for departing Filipino emigrants to address their adjustment concerns in their destination countries. In these seminars, various topics are discussed such as:

    Travel regulations;
    Immigration procedures;
    Cultural differences;
    Settlement concerns;
    Employment and social security concerns; and
    Rights and obligations of Filipino migrants
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  21. #21
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Thanks for that, I suppose it is how the questions are answerd more than the fact of the answers, my wife is trying to take in as much as possible about me, my family and the UK, so I think it best to leave her learning, she suddenly asked this weekend if my car was still green in colour! so she is really trying hard.
    All the best, Mick.
    Goodluck to your wife Mick

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