I was in a very deep sleep when my husband came rushing up the stairs to our room and woke me up at 6 this morning. He said " Honey are you okay???!!!looking very worried and upset " Our tv is gone, our computer is gone everything is gone" " didn't you hear anything?" and I said still sleepy but shocked " Huh!?? Then he just went down immediately downstairs. Still in bed, I was so afraid,my heart raced like it never beat that fast before thinking " Oh my I forgot to lock the backdoor, I thought I don't feel safe here anymore. " good thing I didn't leave my laptop downstairs but my new cellphone is in my bag and my wallet... Oh my.... so I stayed for another 2 minutes in bed then finally got up and see for myself and talk with my husband. I opened the door to our living room expecting an empty space but to my surprise everything is there! My husband's laughing at me!!! He said it's April FOOL's day today... and I said "don't ever do that to me again! and I punched him on the face! no not really.. but close ha ha!!! I must admit he was a good actor and got me really nervous!

Has anyone tried to pull a prank on you today?