Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
Hi all, I realise this is a delicate subject, and Filipina's need to feel clean but do Filipina’s not like using the wet type body wipes for toilet use? I am a British male and use them; I know some British ladies keep a second face cloth for this too.
Most toilets in Britian are not designed to have wet floors and will rot in time!
The thing is we got use to it.. and just by wiping our *** using toilet papers or baby wipes makes us feel very uncomfortable. we feel clean if we use tabo with water and soap.
my hubby asked me to teach our 4 years old son to use toilet papers, same with him he feels uncomfortable and doesn't like it. Told my hubby he can do that when we're out or if he is at school. anyway, i let him used toilet papers when we were in the Philippines and out our home. But eventually soon as we get home he'll ask me to wash his *** and change his pants.