Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
This is looney tunes. Pity he did not get a lawyer. I am sure anyone could argue that it has no bearing on what he does for a job.
This is against his human rights! I am sure if he was Muslim the case would be be shouted from the rooftops about bigots and racism, but alas he will not get a high profile case, because his daddy or relative does not work as lawyer.

They eat with one hand and wipe with the other He was followed into the toilet and he was caught using his eating hand! Terrible. He must be fired! He is wrong. Don't talk to the dirty boy!
I am not against Muslims at all, infact i have met some nice muslims"Egyptions" but unfortunantly filipinos are still a minority in England. Try telling a ####### that you have to wear a crash helmet or follow a ###### into the toilet and so on and so on. maybe we should ban st georges day or change the word Christmas to something else. I just think nice people who want to come into England and want to keep thier bottom clean and do not want to change the country for what it is to suit them should be welcomed