Quote Originally Posted by Handsome Bee View Post
........the snags and pit falls I need to be made aware of......
Hi and welcome here.

When you first fall in love with a Filipina, the feelings of happiness are overwhelming but (for me) the most difficult thing is the long wait until she can join you in the UK.
Yes the financial burden is great, but her love for you always makes your hardships worth every penny.

It is just the constant wait to really get your married life going, this applies to a fiancee visa if that is the road you will take.

Lots of the couples on here can relate to all the things you will go through, as they have travelled the long path themselves.

Everything you want can be achieved if you want it badly enough and the ultimate prize is not the marriage, but the day that you will be able to do things together on a weekly basis, instead of always having to say goodbye after the short trips of happiness you will have in the Philippines.
Goodbyes are killers when your Mahal fades away and you have to stay in one piece. Her tears will be deeply felt and they will fall with real sadness, as she will be sincere when she says "till death us do part".

You both have to stay strong, of course she will have to go through so many bad days missing you too. It is a two way street of happy and sad emotions. If your lady truly loves you, she will promise you the world and you will never forget that true promise. This, in my opinion, cannot be said for the west where promises are not kept and marriages often end up in divorce.

When you read people's stories here, you should see that all the couples seem very happy when they finally get together for good. This bodes well for your future, especially in this stressful life we live in in the UK.

Her smile and warmth will see you through, but she will also need constant reassurances that your love for her is as real as the love she feels for you.

On all your future trips, she will not kiss you in public and even when you get married, you will only feel her real affection behind closed doors.
From another married man I know here in the UK, be aware that "your" seat in your house will never really be yours anymore. Filipinas are very touchy-feely and she will want to be near you all the time.

You have a long wait ahead of you, stay strong for each other and the promised land will be yours after some LDR (long distance relationship) heartaches and the occasional misunderstandings.

Best of luck in your adventure and travels.