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Thread: GCSE pls. help!!!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    GCSE pls. help!!!

    I just got the results of my qualification from UK NARIC and the assessment said that it is comparable to BTEC/ SQA Higher National Diploma (HND) standard/ Foundation degree standard/ N/SVQ level 4. I have been here for 1 month and 12 days now, have been so confused in what to do with my life here and I finally decided what I really want to do and that is to pursue my teaching career here in the UK. I am so lucky that my husband is so supportive about this. I am going to volunteer in schools to gain classroom experience, observe lessons and get used to the school system. I will also have to study again to achieve Qualified Teacher Status, ( QTS) and I think take GCSE.

    I'm so confused about GCSE... Has anyone here taken GCSE before? Can you please enlighten me about this. How to apply for this and where? I am in Ipswich right now. Is there any reviewer that I can buy? Every job application form I got is asking for a GCSE grade so I really want to take this exam. Thanks In advance for your replies.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    GCSE as you might know stands for general certificate of secondary education, its the exams 16yr old school leavers take ..

    whats your phil degree in and what do you want to teach ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANDRES25 View Post
    I just got the results of my qualification from UK NARIC and the assessment said that it is comparable to BTEC/ SQA Higher National Diploma (HND) standard/ Foundation degree standard/ N/SVQ level 4. I have been here for 1 month and 12 days now, have been so confused in what to do with my life here and I finally decided what I really want to do and that is to pursue my teaching career here in the UK. I am so lucky that my husband is so supportive about this. I am going to volunteer in schools to gain classroom experience, observe lessons and get used to the school system. I will also have to study again to achieve Qualified Teacher Status, ( QTS) and I think take GCSE.

    I'm so confused about GCSE... Has anyone here taken GCSE before? Can you please enlighten me about this. How to apply for this and where? I am in Ipswich right now. Is there any reviewer that I can buy? Every job application form I got is asking for a GCSE grade so I really want to take this exam. Thanks In advance for your replies.
    I think if you are really serious about pursuing a career in teaching that you be setting you standards higher than GCSE. GCSE is the exam that 15 and 16 year olds do in the UK, but to go further and pursue a teaching career, personally I think you should be looking at working towards A Level qualifications.


  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    seeing her phil qual is equivalent to a foundation degree, she might be better off starting a degree, oh, international fees

    you don't have ilr ?? not if you've been here only a year

  5. #5
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    im in colchester road where u @
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  6. #6
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    i think you don't need GCSE since you are already in NVQ4 what you need is to start from scratch go to Uni for further education like me i am a nursing graduate under board in the Phils my level of education here is same like you only NVQ4 i enquired to a Uni near me if i can continue my studies here to be a full pledge nurse but its not as easy as i thought it would be

    the downside is the international fee which is quite high around £4k/year

  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    I'm afraid that your only way into teaching in the UK is through a B.Ed. degree or a.n.other degree plus a P.G.C.E. from a British Teacher Training College or University (or the equivalent thereof.)

    You could however, apply to become a Classroom Assistant in a school thus gaining experience of 'classroom life.'
    Quite a few of the CAs that I employed went on to actually teach some lessons and, from there, went on to get their own degrees, eventually becoming fully qualified teachers.

    Incidentally, apart from the Open University, you will find that most UK Universities demand two or three 'A Level' passes as entry qualifications.
    If you are a 'mature student' however (25 or over) they will mostly only ask for one A Level pass in the subject of your chosen major.

    I hope this information helps.

    Please, anyone, correct me if I have given any erroneous information here - I have not been in the UK for over a year and legislation may have changed.

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  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You could be a 'classroom assistant' which is a plastic teacher, and then part-time you could be a 'special constable' which is a plastic policeman

    Or in simple English, a way for the govenment to underpay people, and not give them final salary pensions.
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the replies! You all have been very helpful!!!

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