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Thread: Im Bad

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    I am so bad

    Last Wednesday I was stop by traffic police caught on speed gun doing 40mph on 30mph Coz when im driving in a village it says 40mph then after a few yards away it changed to 30mph i didn't notice it.

    I was fined £60 and 3 fix penalty point and the famous police line"You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence".

    I know im guilty of speeding and I know its 30 for a reason. So i need to be careful for another 3 years its not intention though just one of those day that i am on a wrong place on a wrong time, i think?

    Do you think traffic offence is criminal offence that might affect my future application like brit cit just incase i decided to apply?
    Just be careful Cheez and keep an eye on the speed limit
    I am sure I'll be caught of my funeral speed of 10-20 mph

    My Thai friend was caught Driving without license as her International license run out of date. Since then, police always roaming around her house. She can't drive anymore and sold her car.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    My Thai friend was caught Driving without license as her International license run out of date. Since then, police always roaming around her house. She can't drive anymore and sold her car.
    was she taken to court ? if she was, and if she is not a british citizen already and she wanted to apply for citizenship, she might have to wait 5yrs until her conviction is spent, as it would have to be declared on her citizenship app form.. and may well fail of being of good character part

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    was she taken to court ? if she was, and if she is not a british citizen already and she wanted to apply for citizenship, she might have to wait 5yrs until her conviction is spent, as it would have to be declared on her citizenship app form.. and may well fail of being of good character part
    She's holding ILR and doesn't want to apply British Passport. Been here for 9 years. She has penalty but not sure how much

  4. #4
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    Many years ago in my reckless youth I was taken to court for no tax or mot and it wasnt a criminal offence, it was classed as motoring.
    Also in my motorcycling days I received a 21 day ban for speeding ( average of 107mph for 3 miles on the A14 ) and it was classed as motoring.
    So unless they`ve changed the laws, which they may have, I wouldn`t worry too much.
    If everybody that was caught speeding was given a criminal record i`m sure most of the UK would be criminals!

  5. #5
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    One up for the whiteys....... Last month as we were returning to Pasay prior to me coming home I used the u turn facility on the EDSA opposite the Heritage Hotel and then managed to get a gap in the four lanes to head back up 100 yards before taking a right to get to the back lane for teh hotel car park. Unfortunately the last or inside lane had been "temporarily" reserved for buses as the TP who stopped me tried to tell me. I said that there were no markings and no warning as he tried to show me the offence in his book of offfences listing the 1500 peso fine

    . I also told him that i HAD TO USE THIS LANE to turn right into the road which was less than 100 yards back up the EDSA. I had just spend over an hour and a half getting from the NLEX to Pasay beng cut up, avoiding collisions and being honked at by half of Manila's traffic and was alresdy somewhat worked up. I asked for his details and where his station was so as I needed to go to the ATM to get the cash!!!

    He decided to let me off with a stern warning

    yippeee one up for the foreigner

    ps Ligaya was mortified and scolded me for some time after as she said we never argue with the Police as it can be dangerous.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Many years ago in my reckless youth I was taken to court for no tax or mot and it wasnt a criminal offence, it was classed as motoring.
    Also in my motorcycling days I received a 21 day ban for speeding ( average of 107mph for 3 miles on the A14 ) and it was classed as motoring.
    So unless they`ve changed the laws, which they may have, I wouldn`t worry too much.
    If everybody that was caught speeding was given a criminal record i`m sure most of the UK would be criminals!
    from citizenship application form AN

    Criminal Convictions: Civil Judgments
    3.6 Do you have any criminal convictions in the UK or any other country (including traffic offences) or any civil
    judgements made against you?
    Yes No
    If you have answered Yes to question 1 above please give details below for each sentence starting with the most
    recent one. If you have received more than two sentences you should continue on page 14. Convictions spent under
    the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 need not be disclosed (see guide page 18). If you have answered No
    please go to question 3.7.
    Information may be checked with other agencies


    You must give details of all criminal convictions both within or outside the United
    Kingdom. These include road traffic offences, but not fixed penalty notices which have not
    been given in a court. Fixed penalty notices include parking and speeding offences.
    driving offences must be declared.
    You do not have to give details of any offences which are “spent” under the Rehabilitation
    of Offenders Act 1974
    . Under that Act certain convictions may be regarded as “spent” in the
    United Kingdom after certain periods of time from the date of conviction if you have not
    been convicted of other offences during that time. “Spent” means that it will be ignored. A
    leaflet about this called “Wiping the Slate Clean” is available from the Home Office, Direct
    Communications Unit, 2 Marsham Street, LONDON SW1P 4DF.
    Criminal record checks will be carried out in all cases. If you have a conviction which is
    not yet “spent” under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, an application for
    citizenship made now is unlikely to be successful. We would therefore advise you to wait
    until the end of the rehabilitation period before making an application.

    We will normally disregard a single conviction for a minor offence resulting in a bind over,
    conditional discharge or relatively small fine or compensation order, if a person is suitable
    for citizenship in all other respects. By “minor offences” we mean speeding or other
    "regulatory" offences. Offences involving dishonesty (e.g. theft), violence or sexual offences
    are not classed as minor offences. Drink-driving offences, driving while uninsured or
    disqualified are not minor offences either.

    so if you were taken to court, you may well have to wait 5 years b4 your conviction is spent b4 you can apply for citizenship...

  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    If everybody that was caught speeding was given a criminal record i`m sure most of the UK would be criminals!
    Or, if everyone who had exceeded 30mph in a 30 mph zone - then I would deign that 99% of us are criminals.

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

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