A word of advise toanyone who is stopped for speeding.Always for the 'Speed Camera Calibration Certificate'. The Police HAVE to re-calibrate the speed camera at least once evry 24 hours. This is very often NOT done. If the Police can not give you a copy of the calibration certificate on request you will not be charged for speeding. IF he has one and you can prove your speedo on your car is out of calibration by at least 10% they also can't get you. The person who was 1mph too fast could have won their case. The judge would not consider 1mph to be significant to warrant 3 points and a fine. Although it is cheaper to pay the fine if you can't get legal aid to help pay for a solicitor. The traffic offence you have been caught for will not affect your visa application.
I was also the 'victim' of TP's in Manilla last time I was there. Apparently our van was 'over loaded'. We had 11 people (1 was a young chid) in a van designed to seat 12 people ! I did scratch my head andpoint out a trike that passed us with 7 people hanging on for dear life, but the TP were not concerned for them. It cost 3000 peso to realise that the van was not over loaded. That was on the Southbound highway from Angeles to Manilla near NAIA. They must stop a lot of foreigners on the way to the airport.