Hi guys its me again, well i need some advice i have been with my wife for four years now and she is still in Phillies, i am going to bring her home this year (Pease God) i am so tired of being without her.
My problem is, do i try to go the EEA route as an irish citezen or do i bring her home as a British citizen i hold both passports living in belfast as i do.

I have heard so many bad things about both to be honest i am scared to death, i am disabled but i am selling my house so i will have the money to support my new family, i wish i had a quantative idea of what is needed ie how much money you need to have and other possible obsticls, i want to do every thing above board and by the book, then it will not return in the future to bite us.
I know you guys have been around this one before and i would value your expereince i just feel completley not in control and i hate that feeling i like to know what i must do and what is required of me. On a more personal level I love this lady so much i have been over to the phillies 4 times now and have never met a lady like her there is no doubt the philipino ladies make the best wives of any i am lucky to have her ..Dougie.