some people whose saying that they can't relate.....
anyway, back to the topic. I have 4 siblings and 2 of them a bit of a parasite sad to say. My father is an OFW's for 15 years and my mother is a plain hosewife. My father managed to send me and my bro to Uni and get a degree then its our turn to look after our other siblings which is very normal/typical filipino culture. I did ask my father to have an early retirement at 55 y/o bec i do believe is about time for him to relax and enjoy life a bit, aside from we didn't see much of him for 15 years
I am sending money for my parents regularly bec I have to as simple as that. Although I mention b4 that I cut it a bit as I have some loans to pay here. I gave them quite nice house to live in and monthly allowance for their needs. My other bro is giving them a bit for their other expenses not much though bec he has his own family already.
To Pat, I understand your position regarding financial help to the family I think you know that from the very start of relationship, your fiancee might brought it out to your attention before? But I don't agree with your fiancee that she needs to work as much as she can just to send money back home. I
hope she is not going to marry you just to work here to be able to help her family back home. If you have a few penny to share every month, why not? Just talk to your fiancee seriously about this matter if your not happy with it.
Good luck.