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Thread: race discrimination on time scale for visa

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    race discrimination on time scale for visa

    Hi all,

    I've been reading some of the threads about people waiting for visa's, well I've had my problems.. I've posted it on another thread, but i'll paste it here...

    hello, newbie here, when we applied for a visa, oh back in 1st week of feb hmm, 2003 i think, we was told it would be 2 wks, 2 weeks passed, then 4, and 6, 8 wks passed, my wife had phone the embassy, only to be told they were waiting for police reports, i had also started emailing the embassy, only to find the person who emailed me had gone on holiday, or never replied, or a new person would reply, me being laid back put up with this til over 2 months had passed, i went on the web site, and emailed every manager or head of all the different departments, complaining, was there anybody who would answer me, and what is the problem, why dont you just reject the application so i can go and appeal, well i got a forwarded email from a manger at the embassy, who forwarded to someone else, saying it looked liked i was having a hard time, and could they sort it, my wife, with in a few hours got a call to go and pick up their passports, 2 months , wasted, wondering what the hell was going on.... !!! hope no one else goes thru that.. just shows you complain if you feel you getting no where... good luck !!

    why am i moaning, well a muslim guy i work with, hes got a uk and libyan passport, as his mom is english, even thou he was not born in the uk, he went back home btw xmas and new year, and returned to work about the 18th of jan, and told us he got married and there was a slight delay with his wife coming back with him, due to a problem with some paper work, but she was here in the uk about the 20th of jan, I was amazed that she got a visa so quick, btw those 2 dates, he had meet this woman twice for 2 hours only, and thru their families they agreed to get married, they got married, and she appiled for a visa. now iam wondering if its becuase he/she is muslim that what i had to prove them dont have to?

    i thought you had to show a relationship, eg letters, phone bills., etc, how can they show that if they meet for only 2 hours, i think is is totaly unfair on others who have had their visa rejected, even my friend who married a japanese lady, he got her a visa in 2 weeks, i had to wait nearly 2 months !!, is this discrimination ??? or just me being unlucky???

    has anyone here got a visa in 2 weeks ???

    sorry for moaning, but is should be same for everyone !!

    bye for now !!

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plenty on here get them in two weeks. It is not discrimation of any kind, most delays are due to two things;
    a) Something missing
    b) Waiting for the Philippines to verify something, which can take weeks just for a yes/no answer.

    If everything is in order on the Embassies first check, you get the visa.

    If you read through the forum, you'll notice that the majority of the quick ones are those that have followed the advice to the letter.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Hi Keith, people have got a visa in 2 wks ? they even told me it could be up to 6wks for my wife to get an interview at the embassy, i dont just mean the time it's taken, i mean part of the visa which requires evidence of a relatioinship, how many people on here have got a visa from meeting each for just 2 hrs? i had everythnig in order, double and triple checked all the papers, forms, there was no problem with that as far as i know, its only when a complained that thnigs happened.. more likely our paper work was being used to swat flies with :o) , oh and my evidence for a relationship was 4yrs of icq logs, i printed out 500 pages of logs on a4 double sided, and that was only about a 1/3 or 1/4 of the logs i kept !!. maybe they decided to read them :o) .. well they could have made a few 'love story' type films from them ... :o)



  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) lara1018's Avatar
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    hi mark,

    i'm one of the people who got their visa after just a couple of weeks wait, and from what you're saying, it sounds like there shouldn't be any real holdup on your visa application.

    i don't know what to tell you, except, you really can't compare. the same is true for all embassies. they have to treat each application as an individual case. and it really can't be the same for everyone. people do get rejected for what seems to be really random reasons...

    i'm glad you're through it though! you must be absolutely thrilled to finally have her with you after all that.


  5. #5
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    the problem is that a muslim would say it's normal to meet your wife just a few hours before the wedding.

    so it would therefore be racist to refuse a visa on those grounds

    of course for everyone else thats not the case. stinks of double standards.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    the problem is that a muslim would say it's normal to meet your wife just a few hours before the wedding.

    so it would therefore be racist to refuse a visa on those grounds

    of course for everyone else thats not the case. stinks of double standards.
    I remeber when we were going though the application process and on another website regarding visa applications to the uk. Im sure i remeber people writing you should put any meetings you had as kids, even babies as evidence!!

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i was just wondering, when it came to evidence of being a relationship btw them, like in my case, i kept all the letters she sent me, pics, air tickets, hotel bills, you name it i kept it, and i known my wife for 4 yrs before we got married, and i've been to the philippines 8 times, (flight's never get easier).in the case of muslims, or arranged marriages, or other religions, does the entry clearance officers just by pass that?? if so , seems unfair on those who have tried to show evidence of a relationship but been refused... if its true that the embassy will accept a visa application from 2 people who have meet for only 1 hour each, and the lady he married only speaks a few words of english, then the requirement for a relationship should be scrapped, and it should be same for all,

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    We've had people on here over the years that have only known each other for 2-3 months, and still got a visa no problem. It all depends on personnal circumstances, what info you supply, and whether the embassy checks are clear. Nothing to do with religeon or colour.

    How do you think the people using arranged marriage web sites get there visa's? They know how to get through the process with the correct information, even though the folk have only met for a few hours.
    Keith - Administrator

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