Thank you for your sensible views on my concern. To answer your question, no my fiancee does not realize that I feel this way. If I tell him, he might think I'm a gold digger (which I'm not) although he is not a rich guy.

I do have a job which supports me which might also be the reason why he does see the need to send me any money or it could be that he is financially tied which worries me when we get married eventually as to how he will support a family.

Ours is more than just chatting, we have been engaged for 1 year now. I think on how to send money abroad is not a problem as one can always ask any bank how to go about it.

He visited me 3 times already and it has always been the same. Sometimes I pay sometimes him. Sometimes I feel like I'm the man in the relationship in this sense. I really need some advise and insights on these matters. There are other matters too that I still want to ask but would not want to write here. If possible can I have your email ad so that I can write it to you there?I need your help. Thank you.