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  1. #1
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    My Country too

    Hi i am going to say some thing here that i suppose has been said many times before, I was born in Belfast I have lived here all my life give or take a few i lived through all the troubles here and am as much an Irish man as any one else born here, So why should some trumped up blue coller pen pusher have the right to tell me who i can and cannot marry and bring to live with me in my house. I did not agree to some one else deciding rules for me or give away my right to decide what is best for me, but it has been taken! Oh i know all about the immigratin arguements and i think to a point it is an important thing, but i should be able to bring my own wife home with out haveing to prove that i love her or that she is not some kind of spy. y ou only have one wife so it is not that there are going to be more than one per family and i think it should have a different catagory to other immigrant visas. You know they say we live in a free country, well let me tell you, you do till you try to step outside the lines that have been drawn for you, then you will see how free it is, they will take your house your faimly and your freeden with any excuse they need. It seems to me that the people that are supposed to be serving the public are in fact doing the oppisit ie "the cctv camaras are there for your safty" really! They are there to watch all you do and if it is not PC then you are in it up to your neck, I used to think all the conspircy stuff was nonsence till i happened to be put in the position that i was on the radar, then i saw the true picture. Like that poor guy was walking home and the police man threw him to the ground for nothing it goes on all the time. I am a law abiding person i dont drink or smoke and im not as young as i used to be but even I am becoming waery of the system we live under. I know I will probibly get slamed for this but it is called a rant, and on refection it is more emotion than coherant but there you go, any way if you got this far thanks for bothering.

  2. #2
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    I have often thought about this issue, especially when waiting for my wife to finally join me, but I can see why it happens.

    I think marriage has often been abused for economic gain.
    There have been so many false marriages in the past to get people into the UK, and other "wealthy" countries with respect to third world countries.

    Prostitution is caused by women not having enough money, and if checks are not done there would be hundreds of thousands of women entering the UK to make money for organised crime organisations.

    Sadly for us, waiting is one of the pitfalls of marrying a lady from the Philippines.

    I just don't understand why it costs us £500+ to get our documents checked.

    (Hi badgrimly, just a suggestion: please break your paragraph into sentences....much easier to read......Thanks)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    then i saw the true picture. Like that poor guy was walking home and the police man threw him to the ground for nothing it goes on all the time.
    I watched that
    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I just don't understand why it costs us £500+ to get our documents checked.

    I thought you gonna say,why need to pay 500£ to get your wife to live with you

  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Agree with Apo. My wife and I are coming up for 2 years of marriage and I am nowhere nearer bringing her to the UK than I was when we were married. (In fact, further away.)

    So, the UK is missing a bloody good teacher (Well, if I don't say it, nobody will) and is also missing a girl who works SOOO hard!!!

    Still, rules is rules - we have to abide by them I suppose - unless you are a criminal, then it appears that the law is on your side!

    Mini rant over. Happy Easter.

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    "the cctv camaras are there for your safty" really! They are there to watch all you do and if it is not PC then you are in it up to your neck, I used to think all the conspircy stuff was nonsence till i happened to be put in the position that i was on the radar, then i saw the true picture. Like that poor guy was walking home and the police man threw him to the ground for nothing it goes on all the time.
    if not for all the cameras,press and cctv that poor guy would not have been caught on film being hit and pushed by the plod

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I think marriage has often been abused for economic gain.
    There have been so many false marriages in the past to get people into the UK, and other "wealthy" countries with respect to third world countries.

    I just don't understand why it costs us £500+ to get our documents checked.

    (Hi badgrimly, just a suggestion: please break your paragraph into sentences....much easier to read......Thanks)
    that's still going on now,more than ever,your getting non Europeans (many overstayers, people illegally here, students) marrying brits/ but mainly eastern Europeans in the UK, taking advantage of EC immigration laws, COA now free, past immigration history doesn't count -ok if you broke British immigration law, cost of the family permit is free, they don't even have to go back to their own country - but you would if you were married to a brit. stay married for 3yrs and you can stay for good and oh then get divorced

    it will cost you more than £500, you got ilr to pay for, citizenship.. but your lucky, its cost me nearly £5000, for the misses and kids in visa fees. and because she's married to a brit and not a european, another £3000 to be allowed do the job shes trained most of her life for

    seeing your in northern Ireland have you got a Irish and British passport ? if so use the EC route to get your wife here, its free and easier

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Agree with Apo. My wife and I are coming up for 2 years of marriage and I am nowhere nearer bringing her to the UK than I was when we were married. (In fact, further away.)

    So, the UK is missing a bloody good teacher (Well, if I don't say it, nobody will) and is also missing a girl who works SOOO hard!!!

    Still, rules is rules - we have to abide by them I suppose - unless you are a criminal, then it appears that the law is on your side!
    i didn't know your wife was a teacher Al

    another 2 years Al (4yrs of being married outside the uk) things will be a bit easier for you to come back to the uk.

    as for rules, there are few if your a european in the uk, but many if your a brit

  6. #6
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    I agree with your sentiments there, it does seem wrong.
    As far as the guy in London is concerned, he was a drunk alcoholic that hung around for 1 hour and 20 mins AFTER being told to go home by the police.
    No one deserves to die and I know that but for christs sake if the police ask you to move on DONT stay there for another hour or so.
    Also wasn`t it outside the Bank of England?
    If so well thats in the city and he didnt look like a city worker so i`m not sure about the "way home " bit!
    I dont know why its so hard for Filipinos to come here, they arnt terrorists and dont cause trouble.
    It makes you sick when you hear about people being arrested in the north west on terrorist charges who gained student visas and such just to come here and cause trouble yet your wife has to prove so many things to the authorities.
    Good luck with that, I hope it goes well for you and once shes there with you it`ll all be worth it!

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    As far as the guy in London is concerned, he was a drunk alcoholic that hung around for 1 hour and 20 mins AFTER being told to go home by the police.
    i thought the cops boxed everyone in and stopped them going any where, it showed on the news he tired to get home, but all the streets were blocked by the cops.

    as for being a drunk alcoholic, you've not been in his shoes, so you don't why he ended up like that. might not be all his fault..

    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post

    It makes you sick when you hear about people being arrested in the north west on terrorist charges who gained student visas and such just to come here and cause trouble yet your wife has to prove so many things to the authorities.
    now the Pakistani gov said the British gov should have asked them to do checks on them b4 being granted a visa as they don't,, now my misses was told her delay was caused by local checks, and i know others have been given the same excuse why their visa is taking so long,,

    i thought these local checks would have been with the phils police, looking at this, it turns out it might not be , so what local checks can the embassy in the phils do on my wife without the help of the phils local or national police.. the excuse is a load of

  8. #8
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Thanks for the comments guys, you know it wouldent be that hard to make it possible to check that people are still together after a couple of years and that after say ten years they leave you alone i could put up with that, and i am sure other checks and balances could be put in place.
    I have been with my wife for four years and it is so hard to not be with her i want to bring her home i need her very much i have a nine year old child needs a mother. Any way i know some of you are in the same boat and i feel doe you as i know how hard it is. HAPPY EASTER TO ALL.

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    Keep plugging away badgrimly, you'll get there in the end....

  10. #10
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Are you saying that you have been married for 4 years and still not able to bring your wife here or have i picked things up wrong?

    If you have been turned down or the process slowed down then please explain more.

    I have lived near Belfast for years also by the way!

  11. #11
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    well, I've waited 1½ year (so far) for my wife and kids to be able to come here, but unlike Alan I'm now finally 1 step further ...... wife turned in the visa application and gets her interview on the 30th. So in 12+ weeks, she'll have her visa.
    And just like you guys there in the UK, the danish people are treated just as rotten and have less priviliges than the one of the EU.

    But beside from that, happy easter to you all

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sysop View Post
    well, I've waited 1½ year (so far) for my wife and kids to be able to come here, but unlike Alan I'm now finally 1 step further ...... wife turned in the visa application and gets her interview on the 30th. So in 12+ weeks, she'll have her visa.
    And just like you guys there in the UK, the danish people are treated just as rotten and have less priviliges than the one of the EU.

    But beside from that, happy easter to you all
    that's a problem, if your married for a long time and your wife is still in the phils for what ever reason, the cheeky ask your misses to come for an interview, and yet those who only just got married or apply for a fiancee visa rarely do , surely if your still married and applying for a settlement visa, that's all the evidence you need to show your marriage is genuine

    good luck sysop i'm sure your wife will be granted her visa straight after the interview

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    that's a problem, if your married for a long time and your wife is still in the phils for what ever reason, the cheeky ask your misses to come for an interview, and yet those who only just got married or apply for a fiancee visa rarely do , surely if your still married and applying for a settlement visa, that's all the evidence you need to show your marriage is genuine

    good luck sysop i'm sure your wife will be granted her visa straight after the interview
    know exactly what you mean. I have this friend who just married a chinese girl a few weeks ago. 1 week after their marriage she got her visa (actually, 3 days after they applied, they called and said come and get it), no interviews, no walking around in circles to get papers and no need for him to show latest tax return documents

    hehe thanks ..... if wife is really really Really lucky, it will only take 9-10 weeks after the interview. How long does it 'usually' take for a spouse visa in the UK??

  14. #14
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    end of last year it was taking as long as 10/11 wks , i think its back down to 6wks now on average,,

    5 years ago, it took my misses nearly 3 months, until i had enough of waiting and complained. so waiting is nothing new

  15. #15
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    6 weeks isn't that bad, but still it makes one wonder how it can take that long to find out if two people are legally married.

    maybe we should just do as fred, move down there, kick back and relax

  16. #16
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    usual excuse is 'local checks' but they didn't do local checks on those 10 Pakistani students who were planning to blow up Manchester

    if they can grant FLR/ILR same day here in the UK for those who will pay the premium rate, why cant they grant a settlement visa same day ? other countries can and do, even the british embassy in some countries only takes a few days, why not in the phils ???

  17. #17
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    we ask the same thing in our danish forums .... it's especially bad in the phils and we have some very bad experiences with 'our' embassy in Manila. They terrorize the girls until they run crying their heart out

  18. #18
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    not as bad as the british embassy in thailand, a british guy and his thai wife applied for settlement visas for her 2 kids (5 and 7 yrs old), the kids were called for an interview at the british embassy and thier aunt was refused to be allowed to sit in the interview, and they were question/interrogated on their own, no surprise both left crying and were refused a visa..

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not as bad as the british embassy in thailand, a british guy and his thai wife applied for settlement visas for her 2 kids (5 and 7 yrs old), the kids were called for an interview at the british embassy and thier aunt was refused to be allowed to sit in the interview, and they were question/interrogated on their own, no surprise both left crying and were refused a visa..
    that's standard for us. Only one person at the time during all procedures in Manila. Their excuse is; room too small
    What they are afraid of is of course that the employee will not have the same power at hand if there was a person who took care of the applicants rights and could kick some

    The consulate in Cebu is much better but unfortunally wifey lives too far from there

  20. #20
    Respected Member irobot's Avatar
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    Hey you Guy`s..... What's the world record so to speak on this forum in Time Wise from a starting email or hello to the finish line of having your true love / wife, Land On British Soil With all the right Paperwork Done...?? ...Happy Easter Every Bunny......Phil...
    ...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...

  21. #21
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi , sorry dident get back sooner seem thread has run a good bit , yes ELJOHNO yes i have been with my wife for 4 years, but i havent as yet aspplied for a spouse visa or a family permit , we only tried for a trourist visa and waited eight months , yes eight months to be told NO!
    I asked her to find out why they had refuse her and they siad it was because she had not got enough money in her account, if htey hadof told me that i could have sent what ever she needed, it all seems a bit made up as they go along there, but we where told that would not go on her recored or effect any further applications , but to be honest i am going to go there hopefully next month and live with her till i can bring her home and deal with it myself , leaving her each time is to heart breaking for us both.
    Just by the way, I have a friend (yes i do have one ) and he married a girl from siberia he couldent get her home as a brithish citezen he had to use his irish passport and it took him three years eventually, you need to be pretty sure of your relationships to go through this , or maybe it builds them i dont know all i can say is i love her more now than ever, but any way thanks for the comment and well wishes its noce to feel not so lonely in this situsation you all have helped me again thanks.

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    yes i have been with my wife for 4 years, but i havent as yet aspplied for a spouse visa or a family permit , we only tried for a trourist visa and waited eight months , yes eight months to be told NO!

    I have a friend (yes i do have one ) and he married a girl from siberia he couldent get her home as a brithish citezen he had to use his irish passport and it took him three years eventually,
    you have lived outside the uk with your wife for more than 4yrs ?

    why did it take your friend 3yrs to get his wife here ? if he used his Irish passport it is a legal right to bring his wife with him.

    if you have British and Irish passports, you shouldn't have a problem bring ur wife to the uk by applying for a family permit.

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