Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
A serious question. Does anybody know of another country that has such rigorous immigration regulations regarding Filipino nationals?

Why the Philippines?

Do they have such a bad reputation as to warrant the 'stringency' imposed upon them?

On the french Embassy shegen application compared to even thailand, who can i belive have a spouse apply on their behalf and pick up on the day. The phills are in a group of nations i think 20 or so strong from memory who have very stringent tests put on them. The other countries are nations which include those Bush had as his rogue nations..
Possibly as well as ecominic overstayers it maybe due to the mindano situation?

So it seems they do have a bad rep and thats why many on here when people encourage almost, phill "uk visa" overstayers get quite upset.

Many similar asian countries seem to find it far easier to come to the UK and Europe in general.