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Thread: fiancee under 25 getting married

  1. #1
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    Wink fiancee under 25 getting married

    ok guys and gals

    as i have said before me and my good lady are getting married in the phils in june everything is sorted i have my cert of no impediment we go to embassy on my arrival ,the weddings all booked everything is done ,now my fiancee is only 24 and as the other site said the authoritys can be a little over protective if the lady is under 25 i have spoken to the reverent on the phone and he tells me that my fiancees father [stepfather in this case she was orphaned at 2 months old ] has something to sign to satisfy the registry office ???? i was just going to get him to sign a letter to say that he knows his daughter is marrying me ???? anyone come across this so called document before ????

  2. #2
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    No, but it doesn't suprise me at all. The Philippines is top for having not only many documents for everything and anything, but multiple copies required as well. Don't be suprised if it has to be witnessed and notarized on top of that. Also, if you have time and your visa permits, come early. I guarantee that's not the only additional document you will have to come up with. They are famous for these last minute details.

    When I brought my dogs from the US I had a special broker to manage the move. I thought everything was in place. I arrived early to get them and it took 10 hours and over 20 additional documents, fees and bribes to get them through customs. I was in tears. None of these documents were localized either. We had to go from building to building and back again several times. I actually had to pay for them to be inspected which consisted of a guy kicking their crates to see if they were still alive!

    This will drive you absolutly crazy! Try to stay calm and keep the peace. Just do what you have to do when they tell you. Keep asking everyone you have to deal with if there are anymore requirements you have to meet, any papers to provide and hopefully they will be helpful. Good luck!

  3. #3
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    hehe yeah I remember all the walking and driving from place to place, building to building and office to office to get all the papers done (in multiple copies). And you have to dress nice too - no sandals, hawaian t-shirts, shorts or the like
    My wife was 24 at the time, but I can't remember anything about having her father sign anything. We should attend a kind of seminar, where they explained about marriage, obligations etc etc. It took about ½ an hour or so.

  4. #4
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    have been coming to the phils for more than 10yrs ooo yes the place can drive u nuts after 3 applications have failed for tourist visa we have to get every last detail correct this time ,she has had so many interviews and biometrics done that shes on first name terms with the british consulate himself [yes sir we doing exactly what you told us to do ] just dont know what this form is the reverend is on about [mind you he is 77 bless him ]

  5. #5
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    I have heard of this, but not as an official form. I understood that its not a legal requirement, but some places request it as an additional reassurance that the girl is not being pressured into it or doing it against her family's wishes.
    Ask them to write a letter just stating that they are aware of the marriage and it has their blessing (assuming it does). Better safe than sorry.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    ok guys and gals

    as i have said before me and my good lady are getting married in the phils in june everything is sorted i have my cert of no impediment we go to embassy on my arrival ,the weddings all booked everything is done ,now my fiancee is only 24 and as the other site said the authoritys can be a little over protective if the lady is under 25 i have spoken to the reverent on the phone and he tells me that my fiancees father [stepfather in this case she was orphaned at 2 months old ] has something to sign to satisfy the registry office ???? i was just going to get him to sign a letter to say that he knows his daughter is marrying me ???? anyone come across this so called document before ????
    So far, i've never heard about such thing being done specially the daughter is already 24, so she's not considered a minor. So i don't think any formal/informal document of that sort is necessary specially for registry purposes. Maybe in your case, it's just an added assurance to the stepfather. As you know, philippines are more traditional on marriage stuff and parents are mostly protective of their daughters specially if she is marrying a foreigner. So even if the daughters are over 30, the parent's consent are still very highly considered, like they are still minors

  7. #7
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    Under the Family Code of the Phils, Article 15 states that: "Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or if it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the completion of the publication of the application therefor. A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought, together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement."

    I'm guessing this is what the was referred to you as the document that you need to accomplish. Good luck and Congratulations on your marriage.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lbechner View Post
    No, but it doesn't suprise me at all. The Philippines is top for having not only many documents for everything and anything, but multiple copies required as well. Don't be suprised if it has to be witnessed and notarized on top of that. Also, if you have time and your visa permits, come early. I guarantee that's not the only additional document you will have to come up with. They are famous for these last minute details.

    When I brought my dogs from the US I had a special broker to manage the move. I thought everything was in place. I arrived early to get them and it took 10 hours and over 20 additional documents, fees and bribes to get them through customs. I was in tears. None of these documents were localized either. We had to go from building to building and back again several times. I actually had to pay for them to be inspected which consisted of a guy kicking their crates to see if they were still alive!

    This will drive you absolutly crazy! Try to stay calm and keep the peace. Just do what you have to do when they tell you. Keep asking everyone you have to deal with if there are anymore requirements you have to meet, any papers to provide and hopefully they will be helpful. Good luck!

    Sounds to me you didn't get the right broker to help you with the documents.

  9. #9
    Newbie (Restricted Access) themuffins's Avatar
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    Ask the stepfather to go to the city hall

    I was turning 23 years old when me and my husband now decided to get married. We were living in Manila then, and my father was in Davao so I had to ask him to go to City Hall and ask where they could get a "Parental Advice Form". Be careful though coz there are 2 forms: Parental Advice and Parental Consent. (I know the Philippines makes your life all too complicated). I had to ask him to go back because they gave him a Parental consent form (for 18-21 years old) instead of the Parental advice. He had to sign it and had it notarized in the city hall as well. Your fiancée needs to ask her stepfather/guardian to do the same since as far as I know, nothing has changed in the process yet.
    Hope this helps.

  10. #10
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    thanks for the advice all its not a problem her stepfather will get there to sign it if it not sorted time i get there there be words exchanged but i was just wondering that if there was anofficail paper to sign and say yr parents /guardians were dead were would u go from there i suppose under the table

  11. #11
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    [QUOTE=Florge;127144]Under the Family Code of the Phils, Article 15 states that: "Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage.

    I see I didn't know about these, i guess its because i was over 25 when i got married Nabubuking tuloy age ko, hehehe

  12. #12
    Respected Member Andy's Avatar
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    Nothing to do with age, but when my wife & I got married in RP (admittedly in 2002, so things may have changed), there was a residency requirement as I was a foreigner. If my memory serves me well, I had to be in the RP 11 days prior to the wedding (my passport was checked by the local official before issuing the marriage contract).

    Surrey, UK

  13. #13
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    The Wife was under 25 when we married and it was a big hoo ha when her Dad turned up late. The Judge who knew the family(Registery wedding) was very concerned and although Grandparents, the mother in law he still was concerned that he did not have the fathers consent at first.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  14. #14
    Respected Member rutchzzz143's Avatar
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    how old is ur wife when you get married??????????

    as im going to marry soon also at my age 18 recently from a man from uk

    would it be conflicated to me to apply a spousal visa after as my age is 18

    wat will i do

    i need to wait till i be 21 up higher


  15. #15
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rutchzzz143 View Post
    how old is ur wife when you get married??????????

    as im going to marry soon also at my age 18 recently from a man from uk

    would it be conflicated to me to apply a spousal visa after as my age is 18

    wat will i do

    i need to wait till i be 21 up higher

    I think you got the answer on the other thread you started that you cannot come here until you are 21

  16. #16
    Respected Member Jenky's Avatar
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    Hi Trader Dave.

    Im sure you already know this but make sure that your wife to be has already got her Cenomar from the NSO or the british Embassy will not issue you with your CNI and then you will have to wait two weeks to get it!

  17. #17
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    yes thanks jenky everything is sorted the reverent who is marrying us has got all the signatures sorted except mine, she has her proof of singleness we even had the cfo done a year ago before we knew the score will have to do that again i think

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