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Thread: He Is Dead

  1. #301
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Oh I am sorry, my mistake... I read what I have read yesterday (too bad i did not copy & paste it here) and it seems that it was edited today with:
    "what can u see now"

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    yeah,your mistake i edit it purposely hahaha ,you didnt make a good job ,aint you,,sophie yuhoo..expect loads of visitor on your profile haha

    Just be who you want to be...

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Hi friendship yeah youre right ! oh my god !!!
    Ahhahah you have God now?
    Nothing wrong if you have no God or have no God.

    If you do good and you feel good and feel bad if you do bad.

    DIYOS KO! Patawarain mo po sila!

  3. #303
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    why do people use the **** icon in a sentence? from what i understand... lemme see... the icon (**** icon) is used if you would want to signify that you are saying a joke or want people to take your statement lightly.. if it is on a serious note and arses are used, would that be a sign of disrespect? might be missing something..... I know I'm off the topic... just seeing a lot or ****.... and just wondering... LOL
    Sometimes using the asterisk in a word means that the person wants to convey on something that should be taken lightly and/or if the word is bad to the ear ex. private parts of the body, swear, or a word that may offend someone without the intention of doing so hence they replace the letters with the asterisk. I don't think it is a sign of disrespect. Just my views.

    We all know the normal usage of asterisk is used to mark words for reference or distinction or to indicate a hypothetical form or to fillup space in a line where somethng is omitted. But *** are used by some in making informal letters. This is not used in the corporate letters or correspondences.

    Sorry out of topic again...
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
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  4. #304

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    Sometimes using the asterisk in a word means that the person wants to convey on something that should be taken lightly and/or if the word is bad to the ear ex. private parts of the body, swear, or a word that may offend someone without the intention of doing so hence they replace the letters with the asterisk. I don't think it is a sign of disrespect. Just my views.

    We all know the normal usage of asterisk is used to mark words for reference or distinction or to indicate a hypothetical form or to fillup space in a line where somethng is omitted. But *** are used by some in making informal letters. This is not used in the corporate letters or correspondences.
    Hi Iye... i typed the word a_r_s_e (hope this doesn't get edited) but when I posted it, the asterisks appear... that was what I meant... people using the a_r_s_e icon to make the statement "funny" or make it seem funny or under the guise of a joke.... Thanks for the lecture on asterisk... reminded me of the business writing training programs and grammar workshops that I facilitate ages ago. *sigh* I miss those days...

  6. #306
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    and for atheists

    you can see me in the crowd, if you had a magnifying glass, just behind the sound people

  7. #307
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    Hi Iye... i typed the word a_r_s_e (hope this doesn't get edited) but when I posted it, the asterisks appear... that was what I meant... people using the a_r_s_e icon to make the statement "funny" or make it seem funny or under the guise of a joke.... Thanks for the lecture on asterisk... reminded me of the business writing training programs and grammar workshops that I facilitate ages ago. *sigh* I miss those days...
    Awwww. Perhaps some people might find it offensive hence the replacement of **** to some of the letters.

    Sorry i'm not lecturing. Just expalining in full detail...
    If this is considered a lecture then what do u call Aposhark's, Piamed and JudyHon's posts? a seminar!..

    I enjoy reading Aposhark, Piamed and JudyHon posts in here.. I don't find them lecturing on the specific topic...They just contributed their brilliant ideas abt it....Keep it up guys!
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  8. #308
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I am looking forward for page 20...

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    Awwww. Perhaps some people might find it offensive hence the replacement of **** to some of the letters.

    Sorry i'm not lecturing. Just expalining in full detail...
    If this is considered a lecture then what do u call Aposhark's, Piamed and JudyHon's posts? a seminar!..

    I enjoy reading Aposhark, Piamed and JudyHon posts in here.. I don't find them lecturing on the specific topic...They just contributed their brilliant ideas abt it....Keep it up guys!
    I am not making sipsip or all about your post iye...but you are absolutely damn right,explaining things....and i will say this again.. you are smart,

  10. #310
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think my views are disgusting so I'm not talking to me anymore
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #311
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I am not the type to rely on assumptions without corroboration. JudyHon has intimated that he is an anorak and effectively likes discussion to be founded upon detail and precision. Of course it's relative but I'm not certain that has really come across in many of his posts. I have a friend who is a forensic accountant so I know the type.

    Anyway, the more one assumes about another, the more likely it is that some of one’s assumptions will be wrong; that in turn leads to errors & misconstrual. Hence, my tendency towards asking questions rather than making assumptions. I also felt it was important that we were using the same terms equitably and sort clarification in some areas. Very little was achieved in that regard.

    I consequently still have a number of things that I am unsure of. I'll state my own position to prevent you continuing to repeat my own questions to me, as much as I'd like to see your own answers to avoid you relying on mine:

    Are the sometimes irreverent Aposhark and surprisingly irrepressible JudyHon, atheists? If so what does that term mean to them so we are all clear on what their position actually is? I'm obviously a Christian, born-again in fact.

    How do my disputants define God? This is important so that we know what we are talking about? I don’t want to make points and then have the other party claim a change of definition.

    Can they also clarify exactly what claims they were seeking to make and would they also care to articulate robust reasons for their claims? I must have missed them. My key rebuttal to all that was initiated by Aposhark and reiterated by Shawn, is that they should be respectful of the religious beliefs of others and be polite in communications. Directed more towards the the Shark's grandson than Shawn of course. Additionally, as you can present no proof that God does not exist, be factual and avoide definitive statements that suggest that.

    One of the difficulties is that it appears my opponents opine only empirical evidence is proof. I would welcome clarification on this; is that exactly what they are saying? Or are they incredibly trying to suggest that evidence can be derived from many sources unless we are discussing God? I consider Shawn far too smart for that but just want to be clear on his postion regarding evidence.

    What do my opponents also think tolerance and respect mean? I'm particularly interested in Aposharks response, if he dare give one, as I have now documented a long list of his statements across a couple of threads that quite frankly raise some profound inconsistencies.

    For the record yet again. I am not trying to preach to anyone, convert them or anything similar. Additionally, I do not think Christians are right whereas others are wrong and do not think anyone is better than any other. I am merely challenging some of the things that have been said by my opponents on matters related to God existing.

    Over to you guys!!!!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I am not the type to rely on assumptions without corroboration. JudyHon has intimated that he is an anorak and effectively likes discussion to be founded upon detail and precision. Of course it's relative but I'm not certain that has really come across in many of his posts. I have a friend who is a forensic accountant so I know the type.

    Anyway, the more one assumes about another, the more likely it is that some of one’s assumptions will be wrong; that in turn leads to errors & misconstrual. Hence, my tendency towards asking questions rather than making assumptions. I also felt it was important that we were using the same terms equitably and sort clarification in some areas. Very little was achieved in that regard.

    I consequently still have a number of things that I am unsure of. I'll state my own position to prevent you continuing to repeat my own questions to me, as much as I'd like to see your own answers to avoid you relying on mine:

    Are the sometimes irreverent Aposhark and surprisingly irrepressible JudyHon, atheists? If so what does that term mean to them so we are all clear on what their position actually is? I'm obviously a Christian, born-again in fact.

    How do my disputants define God? This is important so that we know what we are talking about? I don’t want to make points and then have the other party claim a change of definition.

    Can they also clarify exactly what claims they were seeking to make and would they also care to articulate robust reasons for their claims? I must have missed them. My key rebuttal to all that was initiated by Aposhark and reiterated by Shawn, is that they should be respectful of the religious beliefs of others and be polite in communications. Directed more towards the the Shark's grandson than Shawn of course. Additionally, as you can present no proof that God does not exist, be factual and avoide definitive statements that suggest that.

    One of the difficulties is that it appears my opponents opine only empirical evidence is proof. I would welcome clarification on this; is that exactly what they are saying? Or are they incredibly trying to suggest that evidence can be derived from many sources unless we are discussing God? I consider Shawn far too smart for that but just want to be clear on his postion regarding evidence.

    What do my opponents also think tolerance and respect mean? I'm particularly interested in Aposharks response, if he dare give one, as I have now documented a long list of his statements across a couple of threads that quite frankly raise some profound inconsistencies.

    For the record yet again. I am not trying to preach to anyone, convert them or anything similar. Additionally, I do not think Christians are right whereas others are wrong and do not think anyone is better than any other. I am merely challenging some of the things that have been said by my opponents on matters related to God existing.

    Over to you guys!!!!

    Sir, why do you have great difficulty in understanding that I am an atheist and I don't believe there is a "god" OR a "Jesus".
    I don't have to prove anything, because there isn't anything to prove.
    If there is proof, tell everyone here about it.....
    The onus is on you (or any religious person) to supply proof.
    We're STILL WAITING......

    You can post ad infinitum and try to get others involved in over-elaborate
    discussions, when I constantly ask you to SHOW US PROOF

    Go on do us a favour and spill the beans.....

    Come on don't keep this earth shattering secret to yourself.....



  13. #313
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post

    Sir, why do you have great difficulty in understanding that I am an atheist and I don't believe there is a "god" OR a "Jesus".
    I don't have to prove anything, because there isn't anything to prove.
    If there is proof, tell everyone here about it.....
    The onus is on you (or any religious person) to supply proof.
    We're STILL WAITING......

    You can post ad infinitum and try to get others involved in over-elaborate
    discussions, when I constantly ask you to SHOW US PROOF

    Go on do us a favour and spill the beans.....

    Come on don't keep this earth shattering secret to yourself.....


    OK, so you are saying that there is neither any God or Jesus. I have no problem understanding that you believe you are an atheist. I am now clear that you position yourself as an athiest that does not believe Jesus existed. That puts you at odds with most 21st Century scholars. I discussed the historical evidence on an earlier post and even provided references which you conveniently ignored. In summary there are several and significant sources of evidence for Jesus?
    The four Gospels of Jesus in the Bible.
    The gospels of Jesus, that didn’t make it into the Bible (the apocryphal gospels).
    The letters of Paul in the Bible.
    Written sources from outside the Bible, dated to shortly after Jesus’ life.
    Archaeological evidence.
    Circumstantial evidencePlease reread.

    If you were open-minded and inclined to inform yourself on current thinking you'd know that. Most no longer doubt that. I suspect you profess to doubt as you are unaware of contemporary thinking and disinterested inn knowing what exists, yet you spew claims and inconsistent statements without any attempt at substantiation which says a great deal.

    That you have an exaggerated opinion of your own self-importance as to effectively declare that you are above backing up anything you say and the onus is only on those who dare challenge your statements, is incredulous.

    Although not central to my argument, I'm curious to know: The intricacy of life and complexity of human intelligence is phenomenal and human biochemical structure amazing. How could chaos create precision, perfect sight, hearing, unfathomable depths of nerves and multiple intelligences plus gender, various amazing species (fireflies, electric eels, blind bats with sonar, reptiles that can regenerate body parts), racial and familial characteristics? Do you have any informed opinion on how this is possible?

    I note with interest that again you have ignored certain questions pertaining to what your definition of God is, what you perceive respect to mean and what you think evidence is? I never expected you to answer actually, as in doing so you will expose yourself to scrutiny about your lack of respect for the views of others. By the way, I neither need or desire to get others involved as your comments are all that are required to expose your notions for what they are.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  14. #314
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    Of course exists....

    "Jesus" was a portugiese Wine Steward, working with me on the old QE II, years ago.

    Matter closed............

  15. #315
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I think my views are disgusting so I'm not talking to me anymore
    Ok talk to me

    It's not disgustinghere's my proof

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It is a complete waste of time arguing over whether God exists or not, as we have no scientific proof either way.

    The balance of probabilities are massively in favour of it being a 'Does not exist', but nevertheless not one shred of evidence either way.

    And as I said, a believer in God holds a belief, a person who believes in no God, holds a belief. So both are believers.

    I wanted so much to contribute to this thread but i need to think harder for my english words just nice reading it and expect another page again

    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
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  16. #316
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Sir, why do you have great difficulty in understanding that I am an atheist and I don't believe there is a "god" OR a "Jesus".

    You are more than an atheist, from your posts you demonstrate to me that you are anti religion and against anyone who has any faith especially Christian.

  17. #317
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    In the words of the great John Lennon:
    "Where's my spliff!"

    Keith - Administrator

  18. #318
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    It's a nice sunday morning in here but need to go to work..

    Peace everyone..

  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    Awwww. Perhaps some people might find it offensive hence the replacement of **** to some of the letters.

    Sorry i'm not lecturing. Just expalining in full detail...
    If this is considered a lecture then what do u call Aposhark's, Piamed and JudyHon's posts? a seminar!..

    I enjoy reading Aposhark, Piamed and JudyHon posts in here.. I don't find them lecturing on the specific topic...They just contributed their brilliant ideas abt it....Keep it up guys!
    ohhh... okay. thanks for the explanation...

  20. #320
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    I am following this thread and I am very sad deep down in my heart. Why not each one of us will try to "RESPECT" each person OPINION and RELIGION in that way, we can still have peace and harmonious relationship as brothers and sisters in the forum. We are ONE big HAPPY family. Now, peace everyone!!!

  21. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Of course exists....

    "Jesus" was a portugiese Wine Steward, working with me on the old QE II, years ago.

    Matter closed............

    On the QE II subject.............. Where the heck is Cruisingkerry gone....????

    Hasn't been around for weeks....

  22. #322
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Good question. Not seen her for a long time?
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  23. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    ............. Where the heck is Cruisingkerry gone....????

    Hasn't been around for weeks....
    Last visited 2 weeks ago...but just split seconds....

  24. #324
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LEAHnew View Post
    Ok talk to me

    It's not disgustinghere's my proof

    I wanted so much to contribute to this thread but i need to think harder for my english words just nice reading it and expect another page again

    Hi Sis Leah, it's ok even if our English is not on a par of their English. It is understood it is not our first language, they'll understand. If you wanted to contribute your ides that would be fine.

    If we wanted to type in tagalog first (then translate it nalang to English) i guess it would be easier for us. what do you think?

    How are you Sis? .... Are you excited to be in the UK soon?
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
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  25. #325
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    Hi Iye... i typed the word a_r_s_e (hope this doesn't get edited) but when I posted it, the asterisks appear... that was what I meant... people using the a_r_s_e icon to make the statement "funny" or make it seem funny or under the guise of a joke.... Thanks for the lecture on asterisk... reminded me of the business writing training programs and grammar workshops that I facilitate ages ago. *sigh* I miss those days...
    I got it. I saw the icons. That is the same case happened when i reply to a post and by seconds it was deleted. Some use Icons to replace words if we are not sure if it will be undestood or would be taken seriously by the reader and i'ts ok if you saw them there posted at the same time but it is a sign of disrespect or shall i say the person is just messing around if she changes the words to icons or deletes the post she just put there once she read the reply to her post and she can't defend the statements she just posted.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  26. #326
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    ohhh... okay. thanks for the explanation...
    you're very much welcome Florge.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  27. #327
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LEAHnew View Post
    I wanted so much to contribute to this thread but i need to think harder for my english words just nice reading it and expect another page again

    Hi amiga. I understand your hesitation but assure you that the most important thing is the message not how good your English is or isn't. Anything you have to say is most welcome, we are all equal here, despite the assumption of some that they are more equal than others. I for one am very interested in anything you have to say irrespective of whether you disagree or agree with any of my points. All the best!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  28. #328
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Hi amiga. I understand your hesitation but assure you that the most important thing is the message not how good your English is or isn't. Anything you have to say is most welcome, we are all equal here, despite the assumption of some that they are more equal than others. I for one am very interested in anything you have to say irrespective of whether you disagree or agree with any of my points. All the best!
    Well said Piamed. What is important is the message...
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  29. #329
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Do animals go to heaven? Due to the number of sheep we kill every day, the Welsh would be very happy up there if they do!
    Keith - Administrator

  30. #330
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Do animals go to heaven? Due to the number of sheep we kill every day, the Welsh would be very happy up there if they do!
    you'll be in heaven when your in heaven, scouser keith, as you'll stiil be able to bet on the nags, as it appears only horses will go to heaven, flying ones ..

    what about flying pigs

    maybe i should not have posted this

    for welsh people only.. you've been warned ..

    some people have nothing better to do than a web site like this

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