Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
Don't worry Ate.

People have different opinions about all sorts of different things, and faith or religion is the one that divide them the most.
I don't see anything wrong in posting what you believe in, lots of other forumers share your beliefs, me too, to a certain extent.

The title, tho, I reckon was ill chosen, especially after your original postings, as Toks mentioned.
In this I agree with him.
If you pm me, with an alternative heading, I will try to edit the title for you.
The site is great, and although we have non-catholics on board, we are all christians of some description or the other.
An Italian renaissance artist once said that "religion is like pasta, you have so many different sauces to go with it".....
So cheer up, and keep posting.

Are you sure all are Some kind of christian on here?

Not really a big issue to me but I know of people in Brit Phil relationships who are not Christians.

But I understand your sentiment Sir that at the end of the day we are all (hopefully) people who wish to respect the rights of others to belive what they like as long as it harms no one or they force it on to others

So peace Love and Fairycakes for all