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  1. #1
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    So, JESUS is alive!!!

    Where is he then?

    We had a big thread about religion before and many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense.

    Why persist? It baffles me.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    So, JESUS is alive!!!

    Where is he then?

    We had a big thread about religion before and many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense.
    What you omit to mention though my friend, is that most people on this forum, in particular the wives of many of the men on here, DO believe in God. The manner in which SOME (not all) non-believers dismiss what they cannot comprehend or falsify with anything other than superficial, inconsistent and supercilious statements is disappointing.

    We should ALL be aware of any tendencies towards bigotry we may exhibit. This applies in general but surely not least of all when undermining without love and whilst exhibiting everything other than constructive discourse, anything the ones we profess to love, believe in.

    As usual, just my thoughts on this matter. I wholly respect the views of others, especially when alternate to my own and love respectful debate but believe we should all be polite and seek to edify others in the process and ultimately leave people feeling good about themselves, not otherwise.

    I'm certain Happy_Now regrets the approach she took in entitling this thread as she did; as far as i'm concerned we should leave it like that. Love to all.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  3. #3
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    Calm down, calm down, eh.....

  4. #4
    Respected Member Happy_Now's Avatar
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    Im sorry guys if i make u angry. It is not my mean.Really feel sorry for the outcome.. I just follow some thread like (i will leave filipino uk, You missed it) that inside it it was only a joke.,, I thought of it that you will open it emmidiately and you will find it funny. But you are devastated to find out my husband is not the one who died.

    Second; I thought this forum is Godly site because when i was down many of you guys encourage me to keep on trusting God which makes me really strong through only to your words. And many of you bealive about EASTER week so i post my thread Easter Sunday which that day Jesus arise from dead ....Also, i just from the church and the message is still on my heart... Happy inside that i have Jesus!

    Now i have a heavy heart... Broken_hearted once again... i was wrong.

    Am i wrong to believe that this site is not Godly?

    Lastly, i will ask you guys to forgive me to my title; but i wll not regret posting what is inside... May the good Lord bless you!
    "Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city"...
    (Psalm 31:21)

  5. #5
    Respected Member Happy_Now's Avatar
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    "Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city"...
    (Psalm 31:21)

  6. #6
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    Don't worry Ate.

    People have different opinions about all sorts of different things, and faith or religion is the one that divide them the most.
    I don't see anything wrong in posting what you believe in, lots of other forumers share your beliefs, me too, to a certain extent.

    The title, tho, I reckon was ill chosen, especially after your original postings, as Toks mentioned.
    In this I agree with him.
    If you pm me, with an alternative heading, I will try to edit the title for you.
    The site is great, and although we have non-catholics on board, we are all christians of some description or the other.
    An Italian renaissance artist once said that "religion is like pasta, you have so many different sauces to go with it".....
    So cheer up, and keep posting.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    The site is great, and although we have non-catholics on board, we are all christians of some description or the other.
    Erm, WHAT?

    all christians?

    Don't think so........

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Don't worry Ate.

    People have different opinions about all sorts of different things, and faith or religion is the one that divide them the most.
    I don't see anything wrong in posting what you believe in, lots of other forumers share your beliefs, me too, to a certain extent.

    The title, tho, I reckon was ill chosen, especially after your original postings, as Toks mentioned.
    In this I agree with him.
    If you pm me, with an alternative heading, I will try to edit the title for you.
    The site is great, and although we have non-catholics on board, we are all christians of some description or the other.
    An Italian renaissance artist once said that "religion is like pasta, you have so many different sauces to go with it".....
    So cheer up, and keep posting.

    Are you sure all are Some kind of christian on here?

    Not really a big issue to me but I know of people in Brit Phil relationships who are not Christians.

    But I understand your sentiment Sir that at the end of the day we are all (hopefully) people who wish to respect the rights of others to belive what they like as long as it harms no one or they force it on to others

    So peace Love and Fairycakes for all
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    and Fairycakes for all
    is that what you've been doing for the last few weeks Andy ?

    hmm got any veggy ones

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy_Now View Post
    Im sorry guys if i make u angry. It is not my mean.Really feel sorry for the outcome.. I just follow some thread like (i will leave filipino uk, You missed it) that inside it it was only a joke.,, I thought of it that you will open it emmidiately and you will find it funny. But you are devastated to find out my husband is not the one who died
    Hi Happy_Now I apologize if i've been too blatant last night with my personal thoughts about your thread heading. It's just that when i heard about your hubby's terminal illness before, i really had genuine sympathy for you coz if that happens to my hubby, i won't be able to bear it. And just the mere thought of it kills me. And i've lost my dad few years back and my eldest sister i'm closest to (coz i'm the youngest) 2 years ago. And it was devastating. That's why i did not find it funny - the heading of your thread. I've lost already a few of my loved ones, so i really take sickness and death seriously, that's why i got carried away. But i know you mean well and you just wanted to make a joke. Sorry if i offended or hurt you in any way. Also i just want to correct and clear out what you said that "we are devastated to find out your husband is not the one who died". On the contrary, i'm glad its not you're hubby you're talking about in the title of your thread. I felt relieved its not your hubby who died. I just thought it was a strange thread heading/title considering you hubby's terminal illness before. So i guess i can say is "You got me there huh"

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy_Now View Post
    Lastly, i will ask you guys to forgive me to my title; but i wll not regret posting what is inside... May the good Lord bless you!
    I agree with you Happy_Now, it's just an inappropriate title, but you don't have to regret nor apologize for the CONTENT of your thread and what's the message inside. I believe in God as much as you do. So don't be bummed about other people's opinion on religion and faith. Some of us believe in God, others don't. It's ok, that doesn't mean we can't all get along and be friends. We just have to respect each other's individual belief's and views on things - including religion.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy_Now View Post
    Im sorry guys if i make u angry. It is not my mean.Really feel sorry for the outcome.. I just follow some thread like (i will leave filipino uk, You missed it) that inside it it was only a joke.,, I thought of it that you will open it emmidiately and you will find it funny. But you are devastated to find out my husband is not the one who died.

    Second; I thought this forum is Godly site because when i was down many of you guys encourage me to keep on trusting God which makes me really strong through only to your words. And many of you bealive about EASTER week so i post my thread Easter Sunday which that day Jesus arise from dead ....Also, i just from the church and the message is still on my heart... Happy inside that i have Jesus!

    Now i have a heavy heart... Broken_hearted once again... i was wrong.

    Am i wrong to believe that this site is not Godly?

    Lastly, i will ask you guys to forgive me to my title; but i wll not regret posting what is inside... May the good Lord bless you!
    While i agree maybe your thread title could have done with more thought from my time here i can say that this is not a Godly site. Now what i mean is that its not meant to be its meant to be a site to help uk/Filipino people in many things connected to bringing your wife/husband to the uk in the best way possible.

    Keith is not a Christian and has strong views against Christianity which because its his site he is entitled to. I disagree 100% with him on this but have enjoyed some debate in the past and respect him for all he has done over the years through this site to help many people so i have learnt that its ok to agree to disagree.

    That aside i believe those members like me who are Christians on here should be allowed to encourage each other in a Godly way...

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Keith is not a Christian and has strong views against Christianity which because its his site he is entitled to. ...
    I am a Christian in the eyes of my parents and the church, but I do not follow religious twaddle. I do not worship anyone as that I regard as a type of slavery, and all religions just pick out the bits they like.

    I neither acknowledge nor deny the existence of a 'God', but until someone supplies solid proof either way I will continue with my life helping others.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I am a Christian in the eyes of my parents and the church, but I do not follow religious twaddle. I do not worship anyone as that I regard as a type of slavery, and all religions just pick out the bits they like.

    I neither acknowledge nor deny the existence of a 'God', but until someone supplies solid proof either way I will continue with my life helping others.
    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    What you omit to mention though my friend, is that most people on this forum, in particular the wives of many of the men on here, DO believe in God. The manner in which SOME (not all) non-believers dismiss what they cannot comprehend or falsify with anything other than superficial, inconsistent and supercilious statements is disappointing.
    Here we go again.....

    I comprehend that I live in a country where religion is not important to millions and these millions don't go around putting leaflets through people's doors telling them about atheism.
    They don't knock on peoples' doors asking others to join non-believers either.
    They don't stand on street corners shouting out utter nonsense either.

    Belief without proof is superficial, inconsistent and has supercilious statements, and is ALWAYS disappointing.
    It has no bearing on the real world that most people in the UK live in.
    The Philippines has a strong church. That is their right, but you know that in the UK the church is a spent force and thankfully is disappearing into oblivion where it belongs.

    I could go on and on about most people I know and have met in the UK, who never think about the church and laugh at the whole idea of why some people in Italy a long time ago thought up some nonsense that only seeks to convert people through guilt trips.

    Do something bad, go to confessional and then be absolved with 3 hail Marys.... It beggars belief.

    Peace!!!! ???? Far better to never mention God, Jesus or any other religious ideology, THAT is "Peace"

    Piamed, I always enjoy and respect your non-religious comments.
    I wish you and others would just keep all ideas about religion off this forum.
    It's so boring and devisive.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    So, JESUS is alive!!!

    Where is he then?

    We had a big thread about religion before and many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense.

    Why persist? It baffles me.

    while i respect your right to your view i think its unfair for you to say what Christians believe is nonsense.

    Many people on here do believe in Jesus Christ but do not shove it down peoples throats..

    Anyway i am not persist like you say and i have learnt to keep my views on Christianity on here to myself and only share with those people who are interested..

    Happy Easter to everyone!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    while i respect your right to your view i think its unfair for you to say what Christians believe is nonsense.!!
    I did not single out Christianity if you read what I wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Many people on here do believe in Jesus Christ but do not shove it down peoples throats..!!
    I beg to differ.......You are advertising a religious website in your signature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Anyway i am not persist like you say and i have learnt to keep my views on Christianity on here to myself and only share with those people who are interested..!!
    That is how it should be.........

    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Happy Easter to everyone!!
    Happy Holiday to you too.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I did not single out Christianity if you read what I wrote.

    I beg to differ.......You are advertising a religious website in your signature.

    That is how it should be.........

    Happy Holiday to you too.

    Give me a break how is my signature shoving Christianity down peoples throats? Am i making anyone read it? Anyway the reason for this is that the church i got married in burnt to the ground so come back with something more solid.

    Fact - Philippines is a catholic country so (not me included) most on here that are from there are Catholic so how can you expect them never to mention God on here?

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Fact - Philippines is a catholic country so (not me included) most on here that are from there are Catholic so how can you expect them never to mention God on here?
    The majority of the Philippine people are Catholics (because their parents made them so!), the country is not.
    Same with Britain, the country is NOT Christian, it is of no religion, but a minority of the people are Christians.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The majority of the Philippine people are Catholics (because their parents made them so!), the country is not.
    Same with Britain, the country is NOT Christian, it is of no religion, but a minority of the people are Christians.

    This is taken from the Life in the Uk Test Official Publication - the very book applicants for LTR must study.

    'Although the Uk is historically a Christian society, everyone has a legal right to practise the religion of their choice. In the 2001 census, just over 75% said they had a religion; 7 out of 10 of these were Christians. There were also a considerable number of people who followed other religions. Although many people in the UK say they hold religious beliefs, currently only around 10% of the population attend religious services. More attend services in Scotland and Northern Ireland than in England and Wales. In London, the number of people who attend religious services is increasing.

    Religions in the UK %
    Christian (10% of whom are RC) 71.6
    Muslim 2.7
    Hindu 1.0
    Sikh 0.6
    No Religion 15.5

    (c) Crown Copyright Published by TSO '

    So who's telling the truth?

  21. #21
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    This is taken from the Life in the Uk Test Official Publication - the very book applicants for LTR must study.

    'Although the Uk is historically a Christian society, everyone has a legal right to practise the religion of their choice. In the 2001 census, just over 75% said they had a religion; 7 out of 10 of these were Christians. There were also a considerable number of people who followed other religions. Although many people in the UK say they hold religious beliefs, currently only around 10% of the population attend religious services. More attend services in Scotland and Northern Ireland than in England and Wales. In London, the number of people who attend religious services is increasing.

    Religions in the UK %
    Christian (10% of whom are RC) 71.6
    Muslim 2.7
    Hindu 1.0
    Sikh 0.6
    No Religion 15.5

    (c) Crown Copyright Published by TSO '

    So who's telling the truth?
    7 out of 10 believe in Christ!.......
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    ..thread about religion before and many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense.
    Got any numbers to back that claim? Did you do a survey?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Got any numbers to back that claim? Did you do a survey?
    Read the comments on the thread again.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Read the comments on the thread again.
    Perhaps you'd like to point me to the post in that thread that proves your point that in your words "many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense". What post number on the other thread has the figures I'm looking for? The post number would be the "#" followed by a number in the green bar right above where it states "join date".

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Perhaps you'd like to point me to the post in that thread that proves your point that in your words "many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense". What post number on the other thread has the figures I'm looking for? The post number would be the "#" followed by a number in the green bar right above where it states "join date".
    You have asked me a similar question before, and I supplied you with some information about the decline of the church.
    You can google "uk church attendances" and see for yourself.
    It really doesn't serve any purpose for me to try to point out to you that a lot of people on this forum do not believe in God or religion and Christianity is a religion.
    If you cannot see that for yourself, then not only do we differ in our stance on whether there is a God, we also don't agree that when we read lots of posts, that there are plainly many who have no time for church.
    There really isn't any point in going over the same old ground, again.
    A lady started this thread about "He Is Dead".
    Now, for many of us, "He" never existed, so how can he die?
    SHOW ME THE PROOF. If you cannot, there is no point in you continuing.

    So, I will not continue ad infinitum with these pointless meanderings.
    I will leave you with a quote on religion from a far more learned man, Sigmund Freud:

    The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    You have asked me a similar question before, and I supplied you with some information about the decline of the church.

    You said "...many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense." I asked you how many on this forum, but you could not supply that information. You don't speak for me, you don't speak for Kimmi, Ginapeterb and the 1000's of other members of this forum. Don't make claims you can't justify.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    You said "...many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense." I asked you how many on this forum, but you could not supply that information. You don't speak for me, you don't speak for Kimmi, Ginapeterb and the 1000's of other members of this forum. Don't make claims you can't justify.
    Ok let it be said that i suggested this thread be closed as people will just go around in circles and its obvious that nothing anyone will say will have any effect on aposhark.

    Also quoting people like Mark Twain and giving a link from some Atheist site will have 100% no effect on a true believer.

    But i agree with Rob your statement that most on here think its nonsense is based on fiction not fact.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    You said "...many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense." I asked you how many on this forum, but you could not supply that information. You don't speak for me, you don't speak for Kimmi, Ginapeterb and the 1000's of other members of this forum. Don't make claims you can't justify.
    Read the forum again and SEE that many are non-religious.

    I DON'T WANT to speak for you, I speak for myself and what I see.

    This is a forum about Filipina(o)s mostly meeting and marrying Brits, then finally coming to live in a mostly religion-free country.
    That, is just the way it is.
    You cannot change it and neither can anyone else.
    My wife knows I do not believe in God, religion, Jesus or any other fable.

  29. #29
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Perhaps you'd like to point me to the post in that thread that proves your point that in your words "many people on this forum do NOT believe any of this nonsense". What post number on the other thread has the figures I'm looking for? The post number would be the "#" followed by a number in the green bar right above where it states "join date".
    Have you turned into a politician? Plaid Cymru the Welsh BNP?

    I know from past experience on here that the majority of British guys on here, don't believe the twaddle, and that ties in with the official Brit figures from media polls.

    Now take a happy pill, and say a prayer that the good Lord helps Liverpool put 4 past Chelsea
    Keith - Administrator

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Now take a happy pill, and say a prayer that the good Lord helps Liverpool put 4 past Chelsea
    My husband says here that the lord listened to your prayer and liverpool scored 4 goals but too bad chelsea scored more

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