Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
What you omit to mention though my friend, is that most people on this forum, in particular the wives of many of the men on here, DO believe in God. The manner in which SOME (not all) non-believers dismiss what they cannot comprehend or falsify with anything other than superficial, inconsistent and supercilious statements is disappointing.
Here we go again.....

I comprehend that I live in a country where religion is not important to millions and these millions don't go around putting leaflets through people's doors telling them about atheism.
They don't knock on peoples' doors asking others to join non-believers either.
They don't stand on street corners shouting out utter nonsense either.

Belief without proof is superficial, inconsistent and has supercilious statements, and is ALWAYS disappointing.
It has no bearing on the real world that most people in the UK live in.
The Philippines has a strong church. That is their right, but you know that in the UK the church is a spent force and thankfully is disappearing into oblivion where it belongs.

I could go on and on about most people I know and have met in the UK, who never think about the church and laugh at the whole idea of why some people in Italy a long time ago thought up some nonsense that only seeks to convert people through guilt trips.

Do something bad, go to confessional and then be absolved with 3 hail Marys.... It beggars belief.

Peace!!!! ???? Far better to never mention God, Jesus or any other religious ideology, THAT is "Peace"

Piamed, I always enjoy and respect your non-religious comments.
I wish you and others would just keep all ideas about religion off this forum.
It's so boring and devisive.