Some have suggested that historical data is unreliable, saying 2000 years is a long time. 2000 years is a long time, yet we don’t question the historical evidence of several other ancient personalities:

Cleopatra 69-30 BC
Julius Caesar 100-44 BC
Alexander the Great 356-323 BC
Aristotle 384-322 BC
Socrates 469-399 BC
Confucius 551-479 BC
The effect Jesus had on the world greatly surpasses that of anyone else in history.

Some try to argue that if Jesus ever existed then there would be much more historicl data, writings, etc. AS you may know, most records in the day were Roman or Greek. Jesus never addressed the Senate, he was margininalised and criminalised and received the most demeaning and vile punishment - crucifixtion. Jesus never travelled much also.

Significant historical data exists over Jesus' existence. Of course written by observers of the day. THIs is an attempt to highlight some proof Jesus existed. Can anyone provide at least even a tiny amount of proof that Jesus never existed? It will never happen as the naysayers cannot provide any data to support any of their attacks. All they can say is, "it was a long time ago and I don't think it's reliable". Yet they accept more scant evidence about people with less historical impact from an age long beore Jesus.