Wasn't it the Christians luck that Constantine took it up and it seemed somehow similar enough to solar monotheism or what ever it was called. So many Romans who believed in the various pagan rituals, the meeting on the day of the sun and praying facing the east. Which I belived they were more concerned about at the time? I maybe wrong im no theologian

Possibly like many companies/products some catch on lets say coke cola,microsoft,VHS and the iphone. When other rivals failed, not just because they were the best but for various reasons and good fortune.

In Christianity possibly the fact it incorporated most of the local festivals the locals celebrated rather than said this is the only way.

Why every Christian festival I remember from school also had a pagan equivalent and many of the "meanings" were taken from the Pagan beliefs it seems to little ol me.

So I guess yeah I can equate Jesus as Seattle Computer Products and Constantine as Bill gates and Microsoft.

So could it be that the cult of Jesus was handy at the time and though this that and the other ended up what it is to day?

That it could of been one of any other cults knocking about at the time which may have taken its place and may or may not have had the same effect?

A huge company took over and marketed it strongly? Mircosoft equals Rome.

I guess at least Rome didn't inflict Win me and Vista on us

Just as now you see People following the cult of MS and Apple and other brands and identies. Many people need to feel a part of a group, as a type of person, while others like to try and infulence people for the good and bad.

I wonder what people will be following in two thousand years. The Guru Gates or oh wise one Beckham