Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
I guess you covered everything already, i don't think you missed out anything else. Ligaya is one lucky girl to have a hubby like you. And i'm sure you are just as lucky to have her as your wife as well. I guess this is a classic example of what they say that "wives bring out the best in their husbands and vice versa". I commend you both for that
There is one thread i replied,saying i am so delight to those guys here, like aposhark,Dom ,Scott ,SimUK (dont get offended the rest that i didnt mention ) all of you british guys actually ,how they shout in public how they love thier filipina wife,my Tom had no need to post it as he keep whispering it to my ears daily lol (giggle),he is really busy ...( i do understand him )

So i wanted to shout also back 2 them,thanks for the love you give to your filipina wife which that its the way it should be (wink)