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Thread: 3 months later... the outcome.

  1. #1
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    3 months later... the outcome.

    Hi all, some of you may remember me from my thread at the start of this year

    After some digging around and a bit of detective work it turns out there was another guy on the scene. I've been in touch with this guy today, another foreigner, and he was as baffled as me that she'd been two-timing us both. For over 6 months she's been telling both of us she loves us.

    He has also visited her there, met the family, went the same places together, just 6 weeks after I'd visited. We even exchanged pictures of our time there. The similarities were creepy. Same places, same people, just a different guy in the picture. I find it appaling that the whole family were in on it and smiling their way through a pack of lies.

    Anyway, we both put her actions down to her desperation to find a husband, and as neither of us were particularly forthcoming in a commitment she kept us both in the hope one of us would cave in. That's our theory, then yet again we could have just been two in a long line of fools. Who knows.

    I don't feel any anger towards her, just this great pity that she felt the need to be so devious. Neither of us have spoken to her about it yet. The funny thing is, while shes been acting weird over the past few months me and this guy have both met somebody new

  2. #2
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    That crystal ball I bought in Murano so many years ago, really works..........

    Sorry to hear that, mate.
    Being taken for a ride is not nice and is is definitively painful.
    I don't think that she would have made a commitment herself with either of you guys in the running.
    She would have happily continued to fleece you for a while or try to.
    Good riddance.

    Luckily you seem to have found someone else in the meantime and I wish you all the best for the future.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    The funny thing is, while shes been acting weird over the past few months me and this guy have both met somebody new
    arrgghh,that was really devastating to know....sorry to hear it...but dont you think you already punish her for finding new one,
    what about talk to her and ask why she do that....and just listen to her,she might lie again....but....just listen
    Shocks cant be aunt agony here

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Ohhh dear sorry to hear that...glad you've found your new one now. Keep on............


  5. #5
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    Ohh and i read my reply on your old thread,and i am right for what i said,eventhou youre trying to argue on my post there,but I am absolutely right..........
    Sorry mate,but i am wishing you the best of luck from the bottom of my heart

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    ........Same places, same people, just a different guy in the picture.......
    Really creepy, could be the plot to a bad movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    ........ I find it appaling that the whole family were in on it and smiling their way through a pack of lies........
    I bet they felt very uncomfortable and phoney, but probably had no option as they just wanted her to be taken away to wealthy UK (yeah, right)

    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    Anyway, we both put her actions down to her desperation to find a husband, and as neither of us were particularly forthcoming in a commitment she kept us both in the hope one of us would cave in. That's our theory, then yet again we could have just been two in a long line of fools. Who knows.

    I don't feel any anger towards her, just this great pity that she felt the need to be so devious. Neither of us have spoken to her about it yet. The funny thing is, while shes been acting weird over the past few months me and this guy have both met somebody new
    Good for you!

  7. #7
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    Thanks aromulus, yes should have definitely taken your advice at the time. Luckily I didn't lose too much, and in a way have no regrets. I still had a good holiday there and hope to return soon

    Hi Mrs.JMajor yes I would listen to her if she wanted to talk about it. But once you've been fed so many lies by a person you then question everything that comes out of their mouth.

    As I said in the original thread she planned to go to japan. She left 2 weeks ago and neither me or the other guy have heard from her since. So it wouldn't be a surprise if we never heard from her again.

  8. #8
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    Hmmm she might in visit visa with another man or fiancee visa...just a weird guess

  9. #9
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    Mrs.JMajor yep you were spot on The province I believed she was in was actually bohol and cebu with fool number2.

    Thanks aposhark It was creepy, and me and this guy said the same - it could be a movie. And she was a very good actress :lol:

    Thanks Ann07

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Hmmm she might in visit visa with another man or fiancee visa...just a weird guess
    yep, that has crossed my mind.

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about what happened triple5, well at least u knew the real thing as early as now and uve found somebody new..

    Goodluck and wish u all the best, hope this time it's for real..

  12. #12
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    thanks kimmi yes thats true. I feel like I've had a lucky escape finding this out. I may have never known and been getting taken for an idiot for years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    Hi all, some of you may remember me from my thread at the start of this year

    After some digging around and a bit of detective work it turns out there was another guy on the scene. I've been in touch with this guy today, another foreigner, and he was as baffled as me that she'd been two-timing us both. For over 6 months she's been telling both of us she loves us.

    He has also visited her there, met the family, went the same places together, just 6 weeks after I'd visited. We even exchanged pictures of our time there. The similarities were creepy. Same places, same people, just a different guy in the picture. I find it appaling that the whole family were in on it and smiling their way through a pack of lies.

    Anyway, we both put her actions down to her desperation to find a husband, and as neither of us were particularly forthcoming in a commitment she kept us both in the hope one of us would cave in. That's our theory, then yet again we could have just been two in a long line of fools. Who knows.

    I don't feel any anger towards her, just this great pity that she felt the need to be so devious. Neither of us have spoken to her about it yet. The funny thing is, while shes been acting weird over the past few months me and this guy have both met somebody new
    Sorry to hear that - for both of you. And it's good thing you found out soon enough before either one of you gets her to come here and even marry her. And i commend you for not feeling bitter and angry. Besides, she's not worth wasting time for anyway, so why waste the energy getting mad and bitter for what she did when you can move on and start an honest relationship with someone new. And i must agree with you, it's a pity she has to scheme both of you and lead you on with her lies, not to mention the family going along and seemingly ok with the deception. I guess it brings into question the character and the kind of values they have. Anyway, i'm in no position to judge or criticize her. Its her life. Its just too bad, she could have had a great relationship with an honest and great guy and she wasted it, tough luck!
    Anyway, goodluck in your new relationship and consider yourself lucky that the nightmare is over

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    Its just too bad, she could have had a great relationship with an honest and great guy and she wasted it, tough luck!
    Which guy? Seriously though, thanks for your kind words The funny thing was I got on with the other guy like a house on fire. He seems like a decent chap and we said we'd keep in touch with each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    Which guy? Seriously though, thanks for your kind words The funny thing was I got on with the other guy like a house on fire. He seems like a decent chap and we said we'd keep in touch with each other.
    I know of a lady who found out that her man was cheating.
    Of course, he vehemently denied her accusations.
    Luckily she met the other woman and also found out there were many more too.
    So she made arrangements to meet this bloke in a pub, and when he was relaxed gave out the signal and quite a few women walked in the room.

    She said his face was the perfect picture.....

  16. #16
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    hahaha nice story. There is a part of me that wants to see her face when she's busted.

  17. #17
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    [QUOTE=triple5;127501]Which guy?

    Silly, i meant you of course You're the one were talking about here, not the other guy Although as u said, he's not so bad himself. So i guess this girl really blew it big time! Coz she lost 2 great guys

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I know of a lady who found out that her man was cheating.
    Of course, he vehemently denied her accusations.
    Luckily she met the other woman and also found out there were many more too.
    So she made arrangements to meet this bloke in a pub, and when he was relaxed gave out the signal and quite a few women walked in the room.

    She said his face was the perfect picture.....
    Nice one aposhark This is the best revenge ever!

  19. #19
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    Sorry to hear that triple5..

    She doesnt deserve u, Goodluck on your new relationship
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I find this story very sad...disturbing too.
    There were no winners, everybody lost out...I guess it was greed which kept her going.

    I know you & this other guy have dusted yourselves down & moved on, but I can't help thinking there will be another victim, around the corner.

    What a way to live your life.

  21. #21
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    wow! that scheming biatch!!! oopppss... sorry moderator... just that it makes me soooo angry when I learn of Filipinas who do this... they give a bad bad image to my countrymen... good for you though... lucky escape indeed! good luck to you.

  22. #22
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    sorry to hear about that mate but there are many like that BUT THERE are also many genuine ladies so she has gone to japan ???? maybe in japeoke i had a gf over there once who on my return to the uk she said she has expecting my baby so i went on explan SORRY I HAD THE CHOP 5 YRS AGO all it does it makes you extra carefull next time

    best of luck

  23. #23
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    Hi Tin, how are you? thanks mate.

    Hi Sim11UK, agree with everything you say. I was happy to see your story had a happy ending Congrats

    Hi Florge None of this has changed my opinion of filipinas in general. You get bad apples in every cart.

    Hi trader dave yes she has gone to japan yes. Whats japeoke? I just googled it and nothing came up.

    As I said, she still has no idea that we know what she's been up to. This morning I received a message from her saying she was in tokyo, and how much she missed me blah blah. I'm not sure how to tell her she's been busted, by email or wait till I catch her online (as I'd like to see her face on cam when the truth comes out).

    What would you guys do?

  24. #24
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    hostess in a bar in japan just my thought because many do as far as telling her u have rummbled her NO HAVE some fun play the game she played you along so now YOU and the other guy have yr fun

  25. #25
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post

    Hi Sim11UK, agree with everything you say. I was happy to see your story had a happy ending Congrats

    As I said, she still has no idea that we know what she's been up to. This morning I received a message from her saying she was in tokyo, and how much she missed me blah blah. I'm not sure how to tell her she's been busted, by email or wait till I catch her online (as I'd like to see her face on cam when the truth comes out).

    What would you guys do?
    Thanks triple5, reading back over your thread, little did I know my life was about to be turned upside down...Anyway, it's all good now.

    The cheek of her, telling you she's been missing you.
    You've definately got to see the expression on her face, don't just send an email...It's your turn to get your own back...Still sad though.

    I wish you well, keep posting.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    Whats japeoke? I just googled it and nothing came up.
    Where did you get that words from ?
    Japayuki - a filipina just been to japan,nothing big deal on the word,you can't find it in google its just filipina street words, more we call if she been there as a dancer or working in the bars

    Bruniyuki- a filipina who been in brunei

    Update us ,who knows ..her relation didnt work out ,and she might try to hook you back

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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    ... just that it makes me soooo angry when I learn of Filipinas who do this... they give a bad bad image to my countrymen...
    It happens everywhere!
    I still believe Filipinas to be the most trustworthy...

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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    ....I'd like to see her face on cam when the truth comes out......

    What would you guys do?

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It happens everywhere!
    I still believe Filipinas to be the most trustworthy...
    Agreed ... on both counts, Mike!!

  30. #30
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Sory to hear that. Well ,its the girl's lost not yours, you are blessed now for having someone new who are true.

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